

Our motivation for proposing this initiative includes: (1) attracting more participants to our IEEE CIS conferences and competitions; (2) increasing outreach to undergraduate and high school students through IEEE; and (3) educating young students, including high school, middle school, and undergraduates, via our STEM activities and engaging competitions. The concept involves creating a workshop for young students, coupled with competition, during IEEE-sponsored conferences. This approach has been successfully implemented at IEEE CEC 2023 in the USA, FUZZ-IEEE 2023 in Korea, and the IEEE Region 10 SPNIC Activity on Nov. 18, 2023. At the beginning of the event, or during its initial hours, students will receive educational materials and guidance from tutors and invited speakers on CI-related topics. Subsequently, they will have the opportunity to apply their newfound knowledge in a practical, real-world setting using the QCI&AI-FML Learning Tool (Hardware/Software) provided by IEEE R10, which involves programming QCI&AI-FML robots to accomplish various tasks. On the competition day, we encourage students to form teams, fostering cooperation as they apply their real-world applications.

Competition Goals

Competition Rules

How to submit an entry

How to evaluation

Six-Step Co-Learning Process for Human and Machine 

The six-step co-learning procedure for human intelligence and machine learning inspired by the Heart Sutra is described as follows. Humans and machines learn together through a process of

03252023-IEEE R10 EAC & 2023 CIS Education Portal Event (No. 5) (3:45)

10062023-PSO-based CI Agent with Learning Tool for Student Experience in Real-World Application (2:54)

Registration Deadline

Registration must be received before May 31, 2024(Extended) via the competition website (Register Form).

Available Software Tools
