Teaching Materials

Human and Machine Co-Learning

03302024-Chang-Shing Lee Introduces CAO-Robot with Computational Intelligence for Human & Machine Co-Learning @ IEEE R10 SPNIC (No. 2) (45:47)

11212021-CI and AI-FML for Real-World Application (Educational Video Competition @ IEEE SSCI 2021) (4:24)

03252023-IEEE R10 EAC & 2023 CIS Education Portal Event (No. 5) (3:46)

07052023-CI&AI-FML Human and Machine Co-Learning on Taiwanese and English Language (No. 2) (1:18)

08132023-Group 3: Sandbox for Teaching & Learning in CI @ FUZZ-IEEE 2023 (No. 1) (2:22)

08142023-Knowledge Graph based Genetic Fuzzy Agent for Human Intelligence and Machine Co-Learning (No. 1) (3:46)

11062023-PSO-based CI Agent with Learning Tool for Student Experience in Real-World Application (2:55)