Competition Topic (English)

04252024-QCI Agent & GAI Image Data Collection and Evaluation Mechanism (Green Consumerism) (2:33)

1142023-CI Knowledge Model (3:16)

11152023-CI Inference Model (1:40)

11162023-Conduct CI Inference (1:45)

05172024-Connect the Learning Tools In Two Different Places using MQTT (2:12)

11162023-CI Machine Learning (2:32)

11162023-Match CI Knowledge Model with Machine Model (2:39)

11202023-QCI Inference (3:15)

05282024-Stage III.3 (Introduction to Quantum Circuit) (English ver.) (No.1) (2:26)

05282024-Stage III.6 (Comparison between before-learning and after-learning CI Models)(English ver.) (1:46)

05282024-Stage III.7 (Combine with QCI-AI Learning Tool to compare BL and AL CI Models-English ver.) (2:50)