
Abstract by Dr. Amir Pourabdollah (

In this short talk, a beginners introduction to the world of Artificial Neural Networks is presented. We will discuss the applications areas of the neural networks, how computer scientists have been inspired by human brain, and modelled biological neurons by an artificial neuron called perceptron. Through an example, we will also see how some levels of intelligence can be achieved when neural networks can learn from their environment. By connecting the neurons, configuring them in different layers and allowing them to learn, some advanced forms of artificial intelligence such as deep neural networks can be made. After all, a question will however remain that needs a careful awareness: What can happen if they learn too much?!

Outline by Dr. Yusuke Nojima

Extensions of the framework of EC

- Multiobjective optimization

- Interactive EC

Similar frameworks to EC

- Particle Swarm Optimization

- Ant Colony Optimization

- Others

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