Game of Go Competition and Promotion History @ IEEE

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Short Description: (2009-2013)

The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) has funded human vs. computer Go competitions and Research Promotion in IEEE CIS flagship conferences since 2009.

The handicaps for the human vs. computer 19×19 game have been decreased from 29 in 1998 to 0 in 2016.

The video shows the history of the Game of Go development in Korea, Spain, France, Taiwan, Australia, India @  IEEE from 2009 to 2013.

Short Description: (2015-2017)

The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) has funded human vs. computer Go competitions and Research Promotion in IEEE CIS flagship conferences since 2009.

The handicaps for the human vs. computer 19×19 game have been decreased from 29 in 1998 to 0 in 2016.

The video shows the history of the Game of Go development in Turkey, Taiwan, Canada, Italy @  IEEE from 2015 to 2017.

Short Description: (2018-2020)

The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) has funded human vs. computer Go competitions and Research Promotion in IEEE CIS flagship conferences since 2009.

The handicaps for the human vs. computer 19×19 game have been decreased from 29 in 1998 to 0 in 2016.

The video shows the history of the Game of Go development in Japan, New Zealand, USA, and UK @ IEEE from 2018 to 2020.

Home > AI-FML Content Curation > Game of Go Competition and Promotion History