School Vision, Values and Ethos

Throughout the school our core vision is that we enable, develop and support:

• Pupils with a strong motivation to learn and challenge themselves.

• A safe and welcoming environment.

• A highly skilled team who provide an excellent learning experience for all pupils.

• Pupil’s life skills and the attributes of resilience, responsibility and respect.

• Everyone feeling valued and included.

Our school reflects the community that we are part of and we are proud of the values and ethics that our pupils share. Our aim is to ensure that every pupil is valued and treated as an individual and that our school is a happy and friendly place for all of our school communityWe know how important life-long learning is and through curriculum for excellence aim to enable our pupils to continue to build on their knowledge and skills throughout their time with us.  The positive partnership we have between home and school ensures that every child can reach their full potential and through working together we can enable your child to get the most out of their time at the school.

Strathburn School continues to have a respectful, kind community that is inclusive for all through focusing on the health and wellbeing indicators of SHANARRI (Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respected, Responsible and Included).  We want all of our pupils to be kind, responsible, resilient and independent young people.  We aim to create a positive, respectful and engaging environment for all members of our school community.  The four key values of our school selected by parents and pupils are: respect, kindness, honesty and positivity.