Enhanced Provision

Aberdeenshire Council is committed to meeting the additional support needs of children and young people in their local mainstream school. The presumption of mainstream education forms the basis of planning for all children and young people, including those with significant and complex learning needs. At the early stages of the planning process there should be a focus on need rather than place.  That is, planning must start with the assumption that the child or young person will attend their local mainstream school. There should always be a full and authentic exploration of what a child or young person’s needs are and what steps need to be taken to ensure they are met in their local mainstream school. 

This includes consideration of, for example, curricular adaptations, teaching and learning approaches, support strategies, environmental adaptations, communication requirements, specialist equipment or staff professional learning needs. A solution focused approach is essential to overcoming any barriers to inclusion which are identified, with support from relevant Education Support Services and multi-agency partners as appropriate. 

Each of the 17 clusters in Aberdeenshire has an Enhanced Provision which provides inclusive, targeted support for children with additional support needs. This offers positive role models and opportunities for the development of all children including awareness raising, tolerance, understanding and value of diversity.

Strathburn Primary is the i identified Enhanced Provision within the Inverurie Cluster and admission is through the Childs Planning process and Area Enhanced Provision Forum.  

Aberdeenshire Council’s staged approach to assessment and intervention means that every child’s needs will be thoroughly assessed and addressed in their current learning context.  Full use will be made of curriculum flexibility and adjustments to the learning environment, approaches to learning and teaching, and support arrangements.

All learners within the Enhanced Provision require to have an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) identifying educational objectives. Single-agency assessment and action planning should be used where support is provided by a single service. Multi-agency involvement requires multi-agency assessment and action planning which follows the Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) framework.  

Enhanced Provision  may also be accessed for an assessment placement.  The purpose of this is to allow clear identification of pupil barriers to learning and strategies to address them within the small class / targeted support setting.  On occasion a child/young person may benefit from a ‘blended’ placement which allows the child to spend a proportion of their time in their local school and a proportion in the Enhanced Provision. This allows the child to access a flexible curriculum package of targeted support in accordance with their needs at any one time.

Staff from the Enhanced Provision may also provide outreach for the staff within the local schools to develop their skills and confidence. Support should be regularly reviewed to ensure that the child’s needs continue to be met, taking into account whether any amendments to the agreed curriculum package require to be made.

It is recognised that a very small number of children and young people will require access to specialist staff and resources beyond that which can be provided within a mainstream or enhanced provision setting due to the significance and complexity of their learning needs. Guidance is in place to support planning and decision-making around education provision for those children with the most significant and complex learning needs, and the consistent and equitable allocation of Complex Needs Provision across Aberdeenshire. 

For further information about any of the above please call and speak to the Head Teacher or leave a message and someone will get back to you. 

The Bridge within Strathburn Primary complements the provision within our mainstream school and together can provide a continuum of support.  Learners have the opportunity to access this flexible support structure, making appropriate use of both mainstream opportunities and targeted and specialist support where 


Within our school we have appropriate flexible spaces for learning:

These facilities will benefit all learners as they can provide learning experiences for all.

Further information about Additional Support Needs, Inclusion, Equity and Wellbeing can be found on Aberdeenshire Education and Children's Services website below. 
