Getting it right for every child and young person is a national policy to help all children and young people grow, develop and reach their full potential. Its focus is to improve outcomes for children and their families based on a shared understanding of their wellbeing.
GIRFEC details the legislative entitlement that all children in Scotland should be:
Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included
These 8 wellbeing indicators are for all children, and sometimes, in order to achieve this, we work with other services to provide the right support at the right time.
How Girfec Affects Me - Parents and Carers Information
At Strathburn, we have developed our 'Ready, Set, Learn' information leaflet in collaboration with our Educational Psychologist. We believe in a whole-school holistic approach to delivering Health and Wellbeing based on our school values, wellbeing indicators and partnerships with parents/carers. Further family nurture leaflets are also available on the Aberdeenshire Psychology Service website.

The Zones of Regulation
At Strathburn Primary, we deliver an adapted version of the Zones of Regulation throughout the whole school as part of our Health and Wellbeing curriculum. The Zones of Regulation is a framework and curriculum that teaches learners to build awareness of their feelings and utilise a variety of tools and strategies for regulation, prosocial skills, self-care, and overall wellness.
We aim to help children to:
• Recognise when they are in the different Zones and learn how to change or stay in the Zone they are in.
• Increase their emotional vocabulary so they can explain how they are feeling.
• Recognise when other people are in different Zones, thus developing better empathy.
• Develop an insight into what might make them move into the different Zones.
• Understand that emotions, sensory experiences such as lack of sleep or hunger and their environment might influence which Zone they are in.
Develop problem-solving skills and resilience.
• Identify a range of calming and alerting strategies that support them (known as their ‘toolkit’)
Please find some links below to support mental health and wellbeing for your and your family.
Mind yer Mind - Mind yer mind is a campaign by Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership to encourage the people of Aberdeenshire to look after their mental wellbeing.
Kooth - A judgement-free forum to get advice, help others and share your story.
Place to be - improving children's mental health.