Mental Health & Wellbeing

Level: Level 4 and 5

Recommended entry levels:  This course is open to anyone who has an interest in learning more about mental health and coping strategies

Course content:

The Awards in Mental Health and Wellbeing at SCQF levels 4 and 5 aim to:

Unit 1: Understanding Mental Health Issues  

You will be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘mental health’ and ‘wellbeing’ for individuals and wider society as well as explain a range of mental health issues and describe the role of the brain in relation to mental health and wellbeing.

Unit 2: Influences on Mental Health and Wellbeing  

You will be able to describe factors that may influence mental health and wellbeing  and describe the influence of technology and social media on mental health and wellbeing.

Unit 3: Coping Strategies and Building Resilience  

You will explore helpful and unhelpful coping strategies.  You will be able to  explain how to promote good mental health and wellbeing in self and others as well as explain different types of support and ways to address barriers to support mental health and wellbeing. 

Core and transferable Skills:

Methodology and assessment:

Classwork and assessment may include practical work, written work and discussion. All assessments will be undertaken in class time.


Successfully completing the award in Mental Health and Wellbeing may help you to progress towards employment, training or further qualifications.

The level 5 award could provide progression to: