Additional Support for Learning

ASL Faculty FAQs.pdf

Scroll through the images to view some of the activities pupils get up to as part of the Steps to Work programme.

The Steps to Work Award provides a stepping-stone for learners between school and College or employment. It is therefore most appropriate for students who are entering their final year of school and planning to move on to College or employment. The Award is available to study at SCQF levels 2, 3 and 4.

 The Award aims to develop self-esteem, self-awareness and self-confidence. Students are encouraged to engage in learning by focusing on an area that interests them. Through practical activities, students can develop employability skills and self-awareness to help them recognise their own strengths and the contribution they can and will make to society.

 Features of the award

*  Within the Steps to Work Awards there is a wide range of Units to choose from. This allows the flexibility to develop a programme that best suits the needs and interests of the learner.

*  There is no end of Course assessment — ongoing assessment focuses on work completed as part of the ongoing learning process.

*  Skills and knowledge can be developed through experience and activity.

*  The Award is ungraded

*  Your achievement is recognised; the Award appears on the Scottish Qualifications Certificate.

Additional Support for Learning - Course Descriptors


Personal Development Award


Steps to Work 


Supported Study