
SCQF Level 3 & 4 Employability

The Employability Award is an introduction to the world of work for those who are unsure about how to gain and sustain employment. It is available at SCQF level 3 and level 4. The Course focuses on generic employability skills, to enable a successful move into the job market. Candidates will develop skills and attitudes which will be applicable across all areas of employment. 

Structure of the course

Both Awards consist of two mandatory Units and two optional Units. One optional Unit must be completed.

Whether a learner achieves at SCQF level 3 or SCQF level 4 depends on: the amount of support they receive; their level of participation; their level of understanding; the complexity of tasks carried out; and the level of maturity displayed.

Mandatory Units

Preparing for Employment: First Steps (10 hours)

Candidates look at their existing skills and experience, and how these might apply to work. They also consider the sort of employment they would like ¿ what they would like to get from work, and what sort of job will deliver that.

Building Your Employability Skills (20 hours)

Candidates consider the types of employment which may suit. They practise the skills needed to find employment, such as contacting employers, filling in application forms, and writing a CV.

This Course may provide progression to:

Skills that will be developed in Employability