Maths and Computing


Scroll down to find out about the different courses on offer in the Maths and Computing Department.

If you have questions about any of the Maths courses or about which one might be right for you, then please speak to your current maths teacher in the first instance.

Any questions about the Computing courses should be directed to Miss Petley or Mr Strachan.

Progression Pathways

Maths & Computing Pathways Diagram

All available courses

How to Prepare for the Senior Phase

Preparing to study Mathematics in the Senior Phase

Maths FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (Maths)

National 4 and 5 Courses

National 4/5 Maths

The majority of pupils will study either National 4 or National 5 Maths whilst in S4.  Any decision taken regarding which level a pupil studies will be evidence-based and clearly communicated with parents in reports and at parents' evenings.

A number of pupils who study N4 Maths in S4 may go on to achieve their N5 Maths (or N5 Applications of Maths) award in S5 or S6.  For pupils wishing to pick up N5 Maths in S5, our recommendation is that they achieve at least 75% in the Added Value Assessment that comes at the end of the National 4 course.


Course Descriptor

N5 Sample Lesson

Sample Lesson

Sample Work

National 4/5 Applications of Maths

Applications of Maths is an option that you can select in S5/6 provided you have already achieved National 4 Maths.

Applications of Maths is only available as a 5th option in S4 to pupils who will be studying National 5 Maths in S4. This is because it is only being delivered over two periods a week.


Course Descriptor

N5 Apps - opportunities & course info.

N5 Applications of Maths - further education opportunities and course info.

Level 4/5 Personal Finance Award

What is the course about?

The Personal Finance Awards at SCQF Level 4 & 5 will develop knowledge and skills to cope confidently and effectively with the types of financial matters individuals are likely to encounter. From student loans to pensions, the awards will prepare learners for financial decision making and managing personal finances throughout their lives.

The courses cover a range of topics, including: calculating and comparing costs; household budgeting; different forms of borrowing; tax and National Insurance; credit cards; bank accounts; exchange rates, interest and inflation rates.

Who is the course for?

Ideally it is for those pupils moving into S5/6 who have achieved National 4 Maths or National 4 Applications of Maths, but who do not wish to take on a National 5 Maths qualification. The course would be delivered over just two periods a week (compared to the four or five periods a week for our National 5 courses).

How is the course assessed?

There is no final exam for either the Level 4 or Level 5 Personal Finance Award. Instead, pupils are continually assessed throughout the year using the SQA's online assessment portal (Solar). These assessments would be carried out by pupils during their normal lessons.

Higher Courses

We offer two different Higher courses in the Maths department.  The "traditional" Higher Maths, and the brand new Higher Applications of Maths.  It is important to recognise that both courses are at the same level, however they are designed for very different purposes.

What is each course about?

The Higher Maths course follows on from the National 5 Maths course, and will be necessary for anyone hoping to study  STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) in further education.  By studying this course you will further develop your skills in algebra and trigonometry, as well as being introduced to the topic of calculus.  The recommended entry requirement for the Higher Maths course is an A or a B at National 5 Maths.

The Higher Applications of Mathematics course focuses on developing the mathematical and analytical skills required in society and for the future workforce.  Studying this course will help to develop your mathematical and statistical literacy, problem-solving, and reasoning skills as you apply mathematics in real-life contexts.  The course makes significant use of computer software (specifically Microsoft Excel and a program called R-Studio), so you will need to be confident in using computers.  The recommended entry requirements for the Higher Applications of Maths course are an A or a B at either National 5 Maths or National 5 Applications of Maths.  You may also wish to study this course alongside Higher or Advanced Higher Maths.

Who is each course for?

Listed below are some of the fields/career pathways that these courses might lead to.  Note that as Higher Applications of Maths is a brand new course, it will not yet be listed on some college/university websites as a possible entry requirement.  If you are unsure, it is worth getting in touch with the admissions teams.

Higher Maths

Higher Applications of Maths

Differences in Course Assessment

Higher Maths Specimen Paper (website).pdf

Exam paper

Higher Maths

Higher Apps Specimen Paper (website).pdf

Exam paper

Higher Apps Specimen Project (website).pdf

Project example

Higher Applications of Maths

Higher Maths


Course Descriptor

Further Calc. 3 - chain rule.mp4

Sample Lesson

Sample Work

Higher Applications of Maths

For more information about the content/assessments in the Higher Applications of Maths course, please speak to Mr Strachan.


Course Descriptor

Explainer Video

Higher Apps - sample questions

Sample Questions

Advanced Highers

We offer two Advanced Higher courses in the Maths department at Mackie Academy.

It is possible to study both of these courses at the same time.  There is some overlap between both courses, and the AH Maths of Mechanics course also has some overlap with the Physics and Engineering Science courses.

If you are only choosing one of these courses, then our recommendation is that you choose the Advanced Higher Maths course.

Advanced Higher Maths


AH Maths - Course Descriptor

AH2 - Vectors - Vector Product.mp4

Sample Lesson

Sample Work

Advanced Higher Maths of Mechanics

Any questions about this course should be directed to Mr Leith in A9.


AH Mechanics - Course Descriptor

AH mechanics intro.mp4

What is AH Maths of Mechanics?

AH Mechanics - sample lesspn

Sample lesson

Computing Science

If you have any questions about the Computing Science options then please speak to Miss Petley or Mr Strachan.

It is our strong recommendation that if you want to study N5 Computing Science in S4, that you have studied Computing Science as one of your subject options in S3.

Computing Science National 5

N5 Course Descriptor

N5 Computing Science Specimen Paper.pdf

N5 Specimen Paper

Computing Science Higher

Higher Course Descriptor

Higher Computing Science Specimen Paper.pdf

Higher Specimen Paper

Admin & IT

Admin & IT National 5

N5 Course Descriptor

N5 A&IT Specimen Paper.pdf

N5 Specimen Paper

If you would like to know more about the Admin & IT options, please speak to Miss Knightwood in the Business Studies department.