How we got here....

Mackie Academy pupils, parents, teachers, community partners & organisations came together to attend the School Leaver Profile Event on May 20th 2022 at The Chester Hotel. They joined representatives from seven other schools to explore the co-creation of profiles which detail the skills, experiences, competencies, and attributes the community believes young people should be developing through their time at school.Mackie Academy was joined by community partners from WM Donald, Kincardineshire Development Partnership, Career Ready & Raeburns, Christie, Clark & Wallace LLP, as well as 7 pupils, 4 parents and  5 teachers.
Our launch event at The Chester Hotel May '22

Student reflections from the SLP event:

“We will remove the barriers that stop young people personalising their education.” Mackie Academy

What is a School Leaver Profile?

A School Leaver Profile (SLP) outlines the key skills, attributes, experiences and competencies that a school’s community collectively believes young people should develop during their time at school.

Why is it important?

In order for young people to thrive beyond school, they must first thrive during their school years. They require learning and experiences which are relevant, engaging, and motivating, which aligns to what they understand is needed in life beyond the school gates.

How is it co-created and developed?

During a community event, a cross-section of stakeholders co-creates the School Leaver Profile. This consists of students, parents, teachers, community partners, and local industry. Each stakeholder brings vital insight and experience to shape discussion about the purpose of school, the future of work, and meaningful experiences.

How is it utilised?

Following the School Leaver Profile event, the school is supported to create a framework which clearly outlines the top skills, attributes, and competencies identified with its communities. This will be used to underpin curricular and experiences for learners.