PBL at Mackie Academy

Mackie PBL Showcase (2).pdf

Have a look at what it takes to design, develop and deliver a cross-curricular Project Based Learning journey.

Teacher and pupils explain the challenge and opportunities this amazing project gave them.

We are delighted that Places & Spaces PBL has allowed us to link with so many community partners.

Watch the video and see where the pupil work can be viewed in Stonehaven.

Places & Spaces - Mackie.mp4

A short and snappy PBL delivered to S1's by our Maths & Computing departments.  An incredible body of work delivered in a short space of time.  

A massive thanks to Tajana from Aberdeenshire Council whose role and expertise as Greenspaces Projects Officer guided our pupils to deliver proposals that considered the whole picture.

Proposals to be uploaded here soon!

The pupils gave feedback on parts of the PBL journey they enjoyed and displayed their work to community partners at a showcase event in May.

You can view the full article on how Sandie developed an existing

topic into PBL here:

Developing existing topic into PBL - History - Mackie Academy

Thanks to Elevator UK for a session on market research and presentation tips ahead of the final showcase event on December 12th.

A presentation of learning was held on Dec12th where every team showcased their own unique product.  

A Gallery walk allowed all the pupils to look at what was being showcased.  The class winners then presented to the whole year group and a panel of judges.  

It was a wonderful way for our S1's to showcase their skills. 

Congratulations to the winners AA Bracelet (Anti Anxiety Bracelet). 

What is Project Based Learning (PBL)?

Project Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects. 

Students work on a project over an extended period of time, from a week up to a term, that engages them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question. They demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a public product or presentation for a real audience.

As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills. Project Based Learning unleashes a contagious, creative energy among students and teachers.

Projects have been proven to be an effective and engaging way to motivate young people in their learning, allowing them to strengthen their skills, while driving forward work that is rooted in a real-world context. Pedagogical approaches which involve cross-departmental collaboration, and the opportunity to go on a learning journey, provide increased value in a knowledge-engaged, skills-rich curriculum.

To be it, we need to see it. The immersive professional learning and ongoing exposure to international examples of innovative practice develops vision, opportunities, and collaborative pedagogical approaches. This FNGL diagram is a useful reference:

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