
How can you find support with using technology for learning?

You should be familiar with logging into Glow every day at school - from there you can access all your learning materials on Google Classroom.

Your username will be in this format

If you need to reset your password, please get in touch via Contact Us or by phoning the school office, this can also be done for you by any class teacher.

It is also possible to access Glow via your gaming console - XBox or Play Station, using the advice below.


You should be familiar with using Google Classroom but please click the Google Classroom logo to the left for useful support.

It gives specific advice, depending on whether you are using a computer, android device, iPhone or iPad.

There is also help on the 'home learning' page.

How do I join a classroom?

Copy of How to add a group that is not appearing on your google classroom home page.pdf

How do I hand in work?

Copy of How to HAND IN my google classroom assignment..pdf

SCHOLAR is an online tutorial site you can access directly from your Glow landing page, without needing a separate login.

In S4-6, if the subjects you are studying have resources available, you will have been registered for all of them.

Some departments have requested access for S3 pupils too.

Here is a tutorial video for those of you new to using SCHOLAR.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

In preparation for our move into Inverurie Community Campus in October 2020, all students and parents/carers were invited to complete an agreement to enable them to "bring their own device" to school i.e. mobile phone/Chromebook/iPad/laptop to facilitiate learning. Class teachers will indicate to students whether a task/activity can be accessed via their own device.

Students should watch Mr O'Connor's video and return the agreement via their Year Group Google Classroom, if they have not already done so.

Connecting Scotland

A number of young peoople have been supported by the Scottish Goverment initiative being managed by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) to rollout Chromebooks and WiFi dongles to those families with issues accessing IT devices or signal. All families have been surveyed relating to this but please do get in touch with the school office if your circumstances have changed.