
The Senior Phase is a one, two or three year journey towards a suite of national qualifications to support you in gaining entry to the world of further learning, life and work.

Faculties | Please find a work summary from each faculty for each qualification you are studying during home learning.


National 5


Advanced Higher

Administration & IT

National 5


Business Management

National 5


Advanced Higher

Computing Science

National 5


Advanced Higher



NPA Business Skills

NPA Computer Games Development

NPA PC Passport

NPA Scottish Studies

Your timetabled class teacher will continue to be responsible for your Google Classroom. One post in Google Classroom will be provided weekly, with activities for the week.

Teachers will aim to provide feedback within a week that may consist of marked work, whole-class or individual feedback/comments in Google Classroom as is possible.

Feedback will also be available during live help sessions. These session are likely to be scheduled at set time slots per week per course.

There are no immediate plans to use Google Meet; however, opportunities for live help will be provided via sessions in Google Classroom where teachers will be available to answer questions and provide further guidance and feedback by using Google Classroom comments or other features within Google Classroom.

Teachers will post when they will be scheduling these sessions in Google Classroom, along with other options to communicate with teachers if pupils are unable to attend set help sessions.

Recorded theory lessons or practical demonstrations with audio will be provided for some courses to enhance the learning as appropriate.

Art & Design

National 4/5 - pupils will be given feedback on December written assessment paper and supported to continue work on design portfolios.

Higher TBC

Advanced Higher TBC


National 4/5 - will be given 1 to 6 tasks a week depending on length of activity and feedback will be given over Google Classroom and email in written format.

Higher - will be given 1 to 6 tasks a week depending on length of activity and feedback will be given over Google Classroom and email in written format.

Advanced Higher - will be given 1 to 6 tasks a week depending on length of activity and feedback will be given over Google Classroom and email in written format.

There may be availability for Google Meets so if students require face to face lessons or tutorials this can be arranged between students and teacher.


National 4/5


Advanced Higher

1-2 tasks a week, with expectation that time will be spent practising on instruments if they are available at home. Students are invited to upload videos performing their instruments if they wish (notify their teacher via email that a video has been uploaded). Written feedback will be given weekly.

We will announce opportunities on Google Classroom if we schedule Google Meets.

National 4/5


Advanced Higher

National 5 Media

NPA Film & Media - Level 6

Your timetabled class teacher will continue to be responsible for your Google Classroom. Mrs Mackintosh's classes will be covered by a member of the English department. Your teacher will upload work for you once a week. Feedback will be given once per week and up to one week after submission. Feedback may be in the form of a comment on progress, feedback on a completed piece of work or a score for a quiz.

Materials uploaded will include recorded lesson introductions and there may also be opportunities for Google Meet drop in sessions.

Your timetabled class teacher will continue to be responsible for your Google Classroom.


National 5


National 5 Practical Cookery

National 5 Practical Cakecraft

NPA Sports Development

All classes should expect one task per week, with some additional ongoing practical tasks. Feedback will be given weekly.

Some pre-recorded lessons may be shared.

Higher Dance

All students will be expected to attend two physical dance classes each week with tutors Steph and Gillian. Codes for these classes will be sent through Google Classroom (Monday 12.30-1.30pm and Wednesday 2-3pm). Students will be asked to regularly send videos through Google Classroom for tutor feedback and guidance on their technical work.

Theory classes will be delivered through Google Classroom and tasks will be set for students to complete within a given time period.

Outwith these times, students will be encouraged to arrange their own choreography time to work with their dancers and ensure that their choreography assessment continues to develop from week to week. There will be regular check-ins with each student to check how their choreography is coming on.

Your timetabled class teacher will continue to be responsible for your Google Classroom.


National 3/4/5



National 4/5


Advanced Higher

Modern Studies

National 4/5


Advanced Higher

Higher Politics


National 5


Scottish Studies (Level 5/6)

Travel and Tourism (National 4/5 Skills for Work)

Tasks will be posted, 1 per week. For classes that are shared (i.e. Senior Phase - Geography) you will get 1 per teacher each week. Feedback will be fairly regular but not necessarily every week. Feedback will be whole class (i.e. as a Google Meet).

National Qualifications will have at least 1 Google Meet per week during timetabled class time, with the potential for pre-recorded lessons for those unable to access at that time.

S4 World Studies

World Studies will have a task once a week, with feedback as appropriate.

Your timetabled class teacher will continue to be responsible for your Google Classroom.

National 3/4/5 Mathematics

National 4/5 Applications of Mathematics

Higher Mathematics

Advanced Higher Mathematics

Classes will be assigned 3-4 tasks with 1 feedback per week. One Google Meet per class will also be held weekly during timetabled class time.

Your timetabled class teacher will continue to be responsible for your Google Classroom.


National 3 Teaching to take place Monday and Tuesday 10 – 11am through Microsoft Teams. Tasks for the week to be set at these times. Information to be shared via Teams.

National 4/5 Teaching to take place Wednesday 10 – 11am, Thursday 10am – 12pm and Friday 10 – 11am. Tasks for the week to be set at these times. Information to be shared via Teams.

Higher Teaching to take place Monday 12.30 – 1.20pm and Thursday 9 – 10.30am. Tasks for the week to be set at these times. Information to be shared via Teams.

National 4/5 French

You will be starting the "Vocab for Learning" unit and should expect a reading and listening task, plus vocab to learn each week.

Feedback will be in accordance to task - either a mark or a comment. Work will be set on a Monday, for the following Monday and they should expect to receive feedback up to one week after final submission date (i.e. the date set).

National 4/5 German

You will be completing speaking preparation each week.

Feedback will be in accordance to task - either a mark or a comment. Work will be set on a Monday, for the following Monday and you should expect to receive feedback up to one week after final submission date (i.e. the date set).

Higher French/German

You will be doing some speaking preparation and SCHOLAR work each week. You should try to spend the equivalent time of 5 lessons a week on this work.

Feedback will be in accordance to task - either a mark or a comment. Work will be set on a Monday, for the following Monday and you should expect to receive feedback up to one week after final submission date (i.e. the date set).

One to one, one-off live catch-ups will be organised.

Advanced Higher French

You will be doing some speaking preparation and SCHOLAR work each week. You should try to spend the equivalent time of 5 lessons a week on this work.

Feedback will be in accordance to task - either a mark or a comment. Work will be set on a Monday, for the following Monday and you should expect to receive feedback up to one week after final submission date (i.e. the date set).

One to one, one-off live catch-ups will be organised.

Higher/Advanced Higher Spanish

You should continue to follow instructions from your class teacher at Meldrum Academy.

Tasks may be assigned by different staff but timetabled class teachers will continue to be responsible for feedback on your Google Classroom. NB You all have access to SCHOLAR via the tile on your Glow landing page.


National 5

1-2 tasks (containing a variety of activities) with one individual written feedback per week (additional tasks may receive feedback such as a score or a comment).

Tasks will be issued on a Tuesday to be completed by the following Tuesday.


Higher classes will be carrying out self-study in preparation for assessments. You will work through material already provided in Google Classroom, including past paper exam questions. SCHOLAR tasks will be set and used to monitor your interaction. After revision time you will be issued with further material to cover your next unit. Weekly activities based on your course notes will be set and feedback given within the assignment private comments. Google Meet may be used for tutorials to help with any questions you have. Narrated PowerPoints are already available to use for the course. Some live lessons/pre-recorded lessons may be used.

Tasks will be issued on a Wednesday to be completed by the following Wednesday.

Advanced Higher

Pupils have been assigned work to continue working through over the next few weeks. They will be checking in regularly to provide progress updates. There will be additional tutorial tasks (one per week), which will receive written feedback.

Plans are to have live tutorial sessions at several agreed times. Details to be shared via Google Classroom.

Tasks will be issued on a Thursday to be completed by the following Thursday.


One task per week with feedback added to your submitted task in Google Classroom; one Google Meet period per week during timetabled times to have a tutorial type session for Senior classes. A mix of self-marking and commented feedback. It is planned that we will be available during the normal class time to deal with any queries.

There are Chemistry specific resources at https://www.evans2chemweb.co.uk/ (school login details available via Google Classroom). Once on the site, it is possible to pick your teacher and any activities done there can be seen by the teacher.

National 5

Tasks will be issued on a Wednesday to be completed by the following Wednesday.


Tasks will be issued on a Thursday to be completed by the following Thursday.

Advanced Higher

Tasks will be issued on a Monday to be completed by the following Monday.


Students are being given weekly tasks so should expect feedback alongside any task given. This will likely be in the form of comments or emails. It is planned that we will be available during the nominal class time to deal with any queries.

National 5

Tasks will be issued on a Thursday to be completed by the following Thursday.


Tasks will be issued on a Monday to be completed by the following Monday.

Advanced Higher

Tasks will be issued on a Wednesday to be completed by the following Wednesday.

National 3/4 Environmental Science

Tasks will be issued on a Monday to be completed by the following Monday.

You will be given a task to complete each week and feedback will be given in private comments within assignment.

NPA Practical Science - Level 5

Tasks will be issued on a Monday to be completed by the following Monday.

A mix of self-marking and commented feedback. It is planned that we will be available during the nominal class time to deal with any queries.

NPA Scientific Technologies - Level 6

Tasks will be issued on a Tuesday to be completed by the following Tuesday.

A mix of self-marking and commented feedback. It is planned that we will be available during the nominal class time to deal with any queries.

Engineering Science

National 5


Advanced Higher

Graphic Communication

National 5


Engineering Skills - National 5 Skills for Work

National 5 Practical Electronics

National 5 Practical Metalworking

National 5 Practical Woodworking

NPA Enterprise & Employability - Level 5

First Aid Award - Level 6

Tasks will be posted at least once a week via Microsoft Teams. Feedback will be individual to submitted assignments. Your teacher can be contacted via details posted on your Microsoft Team.

Leadership Award - Level 5/6

The post below will be going live on Google classroom this Monday to inform pupils of where they should be focusing their attention. Each google classroom has a screen recording explaining each Task in detail. Pupils are at different stages as you will see with the instructions below. If you have any other questions please let me know.

Support for Learning

Pupils will be assigned work in their Google Classroom by their usual teacher. One post in Google Classroom will be provided weekly, with activities for the week. Pupils will be given weekly tasks and be supported through Google Classroom comments, email and/or Google Meets.