
The Broad General Education (BGE) is your foundation for moving into the Senior Phase. All the work you do in S1-3 will prepare you for the subjects you are presented for National Qualifications in S4-6.

Faculties | Please find a work summary from each faculty for what you will be doing during home learning.

Your timetabled class teacher will continue to be responsible for your Google Classroom.

S1/2 B&IT

One post in Google Classroom will be provided weekly, with activities for the week.

Teachers will aim to provide feedback weekly that may include whole-class feedback or individual feedback to selected pupils via comments in Google Classroom. Appropriate tasks may also be marked.

S3 Accounting

S3 Administration & IT

S3 Business Management

S3 Computing Science

One post in Google Classroom will be provided weekly, with activities for the week.

Teachers will aim to provide feedback within a week that may consist of marked work, whole-class or individual feedback/comments in Google Classroom as is possible.

Feedback will also be available during live help sessions. These sessions are likely to be scheduled at set time slots per week per course.


Your timetabled class teacher will continue to be responsible for your Google Classroom.

S1 will choose a task from those shared on Google Classroom and upload weekly (deadline Mondays), with weekly feedback from each teacher in the Creative Arts Faculty.

S2 will begin with the 'Everyday Object' task and upload A4 sheet of drawings by Monday 18th January.

They will then begin a project to produce a repeat pattern suitable for a mobile phone wallpaper, with weekly feedback from each teacher.

S3 - Pupils choose a minimum of one task weekly and upload at the end of week with weekly feedback from each teacher.


Your timetabled class teacher will continue to be responsible for your Google Classroom.

S1 - Adverts - will be given 1 to 3 tasks each week to work on depending on the length of activity.

S2 - Pantomime or Radio Drama - will be given 1 to 3 tasks each week to work on depending on the length of activity.

Feedback will be given in comments on Google Classroom or email depending on the nature of the activity.

S3 will be given 1 to 4 tasks a week depending on length of activity and feedback will be given over Google Classroom or email depending on the task in written format.


Your timetabled class teacher will continue to be responsible for your Google Classroom.

S1/2 1-2 tasks a week (posted at the beginning of the week) with short written feedback given fortnightly.

English (English & Media)

S1/2/3 English

S3 Media

Your timetabled class teacher will continue to be responsible for your Google Classroom. Mrs Mackintosh's classes will be covered by a member of the English department. Your teacher will upload work for you once a week. Feedback will be given once per week and up to one week after submission. Feedback may be in the form of a comment on progress or a score for a quiz.

Your timetabled class teacher will continue to be responsible for your Google Classroom.

S1/2 HE/PE

One task per week, with individual weekly feedback.


HE classes should expect two tasks per week. Feedback will be given weekly.


PE classes should expect one task per week, with some additional ongoing practical tasks. Feedback will be given weekly.

Your timetabled class teacher will continue to be responsible for your Google Classroom.

S1/2 Geography

S1/2 History

S1/2 Modern Studies


Google Classroom tasks will be available for students, most likely 1 per week or it may be that task is completed over 2 weeks. Feedback will be available at least every 2 weeks.

S3 Geography

S3 History

S3 Modern Studies


Google Classroom tasks will be available for students, most likely 1 per week or it may be that task is completed over 2 weeks. Written feedback will be available at least every 2 weeks.

S3 World Studies

World Studies will have a task once a week, with feedback as appropriate.

S1/2/3 Maths

Your timetabled class teacher will continue to be responsible for your Google Classroom.

Approximately 3/4 tasks with 1 feedback.

S1/2 French/German

Your timetabled class teacher will continue to be responsible for your Google Classroom.

You should expect either 2 small tasks or one slightly larger one per week to be issued on a Monday and submitted the following Monday. Feedback should be expected to be given up to one week following final submission date. Feedback will be either a score or a comment.

S3 French/German

Your timetabled class teacher will continue to be responsible for your Google Classroom.

You should expect an average of 2 tasks per week, depending on the size of the tasks.

Feedback will be in accordance to task - either a mark or a comment. Work will be set on a Monday, for the following Monday and you should expect to receive feedback up to one week after final submission date (i.e. the date set).


Teaching to take place Monday and Tuesday 10 – 11am through Microsoft Teams. Tasks for the week to be set at these times. Information to be shared via Teams.

Staff responsible for your Google Classroom will usually be the teacher you have most contact with, details as below.

S1/2 Science

S1/2 classes will be set one task per week which will receive written teacher feedback. The task may have more than one activity depending on the time/effort that will be required.

1B1 - Dr Webster

1B2 - Dr Davis

1B3 - Mr J Duncan (Physics)

1C1 - Mrs McAndie

1C2 - Mrs Dair

1C3 - Mrs McAndie

1D1 - Mr J Duncan (Physics)

1D2 - Dr H Macpherson

1D3 - Dr Webster

1H1 - Mrs Lopez

1H2 - Dr Teismann

1H3 - Mr Barclay

1S1 - Dr Watt

1S2 - Mrs Dair

1S3 - Mrs Lopez

Tasks will be issued on a Tuesday to be completed by the following Tuesday.

2B1 - Mr Barclay

2B2 - Dr Davis

2C1 - Mr Duncan (Chemistry)

2C2 - Dr Watt

2D1 - Mr J Duncan (Physics)

2D2 - Mr Dair

2H1 - Dr Teismann

2H2 - Mr Barclay

2S1 - Mrs McAndie

2S2 - Dr Davis

Tasks will be issued on a Thursday to be completed by the following Thursday.

S3 Biology

1-2 tasks (containing a variety of activities) with one written feedback per week (additional tasks may receive feedback such as a score or a comment).

Tasks will be issued on a Monday to be completed by the following Monday.

S3 Chemistry

Tasks will be assigned weekly with individual teacher feedback.

Tasks will be issued on a Tuesday to be completed by the following Tuesday.

S3 Physics

Students are being given weekly tasks so should expect feedback alongside any task given. This will likely be in the form of comments or emails.

Tasks will be issued on a Wednesday to be completed by the following Wednesday.

S3 Science

1-2 tasks (containing a variety of activities) with one written feedback per week (additional tasks may receive feedback such as a score or a comment).

Tasks will be issued on a Thursday to be completed by the following Thursday.

S1/2 Technology

One task will be issued each week on Microsoft Teams, with feedback for the task/quiz given.

S3 Engineering Science

S3 Graphic Communication

S3 Practical Metalworking

S3 Practical Woodworking

S3 Engineering Skills

All classes should expect at least one task per week, issued via Microsoft Teams. Feedback will be given weekly.

Support for Learning


Pupils will be assigned work in their Google Classroom by their usual teacher. One post in Google Classroom will be provided weekly, with activities for the week. Pupils will be given weekly tasks and be supported through Google Classroom comments, email and/or Google Meets.