National 3/4 Applications

Pupils working towards a National 3/4 Applications of Mathematics qualification will experience a more personalised curriculum.

They will work at an individual appropriate pace of learning to ensure they experience appropriate challenge and support.

Both the National 3 & National 4 qualifications are achieved by passing SQA unit assessments, the majority of which will be sat using the online platform, SQA Solar.

Pupils can access SQA Solar in school or at home using a Windows comptuer or laptop.

They will need to install 'Surpass Viewer' first:

Once this is installed, they will be able to launch the SQA Solar platform:

Instructions for pupils are provided opposite, as well as shared on Google Classroom.

SQA Solar Pupil Guide (Feb 2021).pdf

The majority of pupils will complete the National 3 qualification first, before attempting National 4.

The required unit assessments for each qualification are listed below:

National 3

  • Numeracy

  • Manage Money & Data

  • Shape, Space & Measures

National 4

  • Numeracy

  • Managing Finance & Statistics

  • Geometry & Measures

  • Added Value (not on SQA Solar)

If a pupil completes both qualifications, they will only be presented for National 4.

Should a pupil only partially complete the National 4 qualification, they will be presented for National 3 Applications but also be given credit for the National 4 units they have achieved.

Similarly, should any pupils achieve the National 5 Numeracy unit, they will get this additional unit to their National 4 Applications qualification.