Whole School Opportunities

US Time Representative 

As an US Time Representative you will have the opportunity to represent your US Time class in a discussion forum focusing on key school issues.

Pupils will have to work together with other representatives, collaborate and bring back any key matters to their US Time group.

For more details or specific queries about this role, you should contact your PSAT teacher or your US Time Tutor. They can provide additional insights into the opportunity, expectations and resources available to students. 

Keep Safe Ambassador

As an US Time rep you will also have the opportunity to be a Keep Safe Ambassador. The Keep Safe Ambassador Programme is delivered in partnership with Police Scotland and is supported by the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Services. As a Keep Safe Ambassador you will be trained to understand and safely report bullying, hate crimes and any other matter which may arise.

For more details or specific queries about this role, you should contact your US Time Tutor and any member of SLT. They can provide additional insights into the opportunity, expectations and resources available to students.

Mental Health Champion

In S5-S6 you have the opportunity to become a Mental Health Champion. This opportunity enables students to facilitate the use of the wellbeing space in R4 at break and lunch time to support the positive wellbeing of others. As a Mental Health Champion you will receive training on how to support and understand other pupils mental health, how to signpost students towards support and challenge the stigma associated with mental health. This opportunity also allows for over 16’s  to undergo the Scottish Mental Health first aid course. 

For more details or specific queries about this role, you should contact your PSAT teacher or your US Time Tutor. They can provide additional insights into the opportunity, expectations and resources available to students.

S5-S6 House Ambassador

In S5-S6 you have the opportunity to be a House Executive. In this role you will have the opportunity to work with fellow students to plan, lead and support the planning of Mackie Academy’s Interhouse events throughout the year. 

You will be responsible for advertising, liaising with staff, ensuring there are a variety of different events and that they are all successful. As part of this Elective pupils are encouraged to log their hours towards achieving their next Saltire Award.

For more details or specific queries about this role, you should contact your PSAT teacher or your US Time Tutor. Additionally, any Depute Head can also provide additional insights into the opportunity, expectations and resources available to students. 

S5-S6 Student Ambassador

In S5-S6 you have the opportunity to be a Student Executive. This is an opportunity to work with fellow students to contribute to and change important topical aspects which arise at Mackie.

For more details or specific queries about this role, you should contact your PSAT teacher or your US Time Tutor. Additionally, any Depute Head can also provide additional insights into the opportunity, expectations and resources available to students.