Staff information

Primary Sport

Pathway opportunities

Each year primary school children are invited to attend trials for positions in Armidale Diocese representative teams for the following summer and winter sports: Basketball, Tennis, Cricket, Touch, Softball, Football (Soccer), Rugby League (11 years and Open), Rugby Union, Hockey, Netball and Australian Rules. These trials are held annually and link to the Polding selection trials. The selected Armidale team trial at Polding level against the Dioceses of Bathurst, Wilcannia/Forbes, Maitland/Newcastle, Broken Bay and Lismore.

These trials provide pathway opportunities for students and teachers to represent their schools. The Armidale Diocesan Primary Sports Council constantly evaluates trial procedures in an attempt to provide fair and equitable sporting experiences for all involved. Most sporting trials have specific sporting criteria which students are asked to meet before a nomination is forwarded from the school to the trial convener. This process has worked well with school sport coordinators providing background student information to the trial convener prior to the trial taking place.

Generally the response from schools to trials is very positive with students attending in good numbers. Some sports are more popular than others and these sports can make the process of selection a little more difficult. 

Conveners over the years have provided consistent feedback about these trials. Some of their comments below:

If there is any doubt over the eligibility of students, sport coordinators may need to run a school based trial or discuss the nomination with the convener or CSO Sport Coordinator K-6. Generally all primary teams are open teams (except the 11 yrs rugby league) and will in the majority of cases attract year 5 and 6 students only.

The success of trials relies on good communication from all parties involved. The trial process can therefore be promoted in the following ways:



The need for open communication is required between parents, students and schools in an attempt to make trial numbers manageable and fair to all participants. It is hoped that these guidelines will ensure the continued success of the selection process and ensure pathway opportunities remain a viable and important part of a student's education.

All students need to be given a fair and equitable trial with equal time to display their talents.

Selected teams will generally be announced on the day with distribution of an selection letter. A convener / manager may decide to announce the team at a later stage if deemed necessary.

Representative teams are selected on the basis of performances at diocesan carnivals and trials. Children selected to represent the Armidale Diocese at the Polding sports fixtures are required to travel to venues throughout NSW. Parents must make their own travel and accommodation arrangements for their children. Any child unable to travel privately will need to contact their respective team manager or sports coordinator.

Team members are required to pay a levy to cover the cost of team uniform and carnival administration. 

Children representing the Armidale Diocese are expected to behave appropriately at all times. Any breeches of an acceptable code of conduct are treated seriously and may result in the child's exclusion from any further team selections.