Prayer & Acknowledgment

Sports Prayer

God, let me play well but fairly.

Help me to learn something that matters

once the game is over.

Let competition make me strong but never hostile.

Always let me help my opponent up.

Never catch me rejoicing in the adversity of others.

If I know victory, allow me to be happy

if I am denied, keep me from envy.

Remind me that sports are just games.

If through these trials I set an example,

let it be a good one.

At the end of the day we pray for a safe return journey for all competitors and their families.

Acknowledgment of Country

As we begin our day I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land on which we hold our trials on today.

I honour & pay respect to elders both past & present and I extend that respect to all Aboriginal people present today.

May we walk gently on this land.