Sporting Pathway Opportunities

Primary Sport

Team selections and results will be added to this space after the completion of Armidale Diocesan trials, Polding Trials and NSWCPS events. Watch this space!!!

In the Diocese of Armidale, primary schools are invited to participate in annual carnivals for Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics. These major events also serve as a selection process for Armidale diocesan teams. Children may progress from school level, to Diocesan, to Polding, to NSWPSSA and ultimately national level in selected sports.

Primary school children are also invited to attend trials for positions in Armidale diocese representative teams for the following summer and winter sports: Basketball, Tennis, Cricket, Touch, Softball, Football (soccer) Rugby League, Rugby Union, Hockey and Netball. These trials are held annually and link to the Polding selection trials. Students can also be nominated for Golf, AFL, Rugby 7's, Softball and Diving via the link below. Further information about any of these sports via your School Sports Coordinator or Heidi Hardaker (CSO Coordinator Sport K-6)

Gala days in Touch Football, Rugby League, Netball and Football (soccer) are also staged. The gala days are not for selection purposes or for qualifying for higher levels. The gala day is designed primarily for student enjoyment of the sport, participation and for the promotion of exercise and a positive sporting experience. Adults and parents attending the gala days are encouraged to support this philosophy by encouraging students, respecting referees and enjoying the non-competitive nature of the day.

A Rugby Union and Rugby League knockout tournament is also run in conjunction with our Diocesan Rugby Union trials and the Rugby League Gala Day. The winning team will progress to represent the Diocese against winners from other Dioceses.

Golf, AFL, Rugby 7's, Softball and Diving

Golf, AFL, Rugby 7's, Softball and Diving do not have trial dates for the Armidale Diocese due to the lack of numbers. Parents may apply for their child to attend Polding Trials via a Google Form linked on the Sport Pathways page. Students must display exceptional skills in the chosen sport prior to applying. Applications must be approved by your School Sport Coordinator prior to applying.

ADPSC - Special Consideration/Exemption to trial at Armidale Diocesan Selections

(Please note - this is ONLY For COVID - Public Health Order Considerations and must be submitted by 9am on the first day of selections.


Application for consideration only for students who are unable to participate in NSWCCC, MacKillop or Polding selections due to following COVID-19 Public Health Orders, may request consideration for selection. Complete this application prior to the trial [before 9.00 am on the day of the trial] and submit.

Immediately upon submission you MUST SMS 0427 958 331 - with message -

COVID Exemption request "Student Name", "Sport"

If no SMS is received, the submission will not be valid.

Only applications demonstrating recent high level sport-specific playing experience and performances in their application will be considered. There is no guarantee of selection for any students. Selected team members will be contacted shortly after the trial.