First Aid, Injury Claims & Ambulance Cover

All Accidents should be lodged through "Log an Incident" via the staff complispace.

  • All Diocesan sporting events will have first aid coverage from external and qualified providers. Schools are encouraged to bring their own basic first aid kits to carnivals to treat minor injuries for their own students. Injuries of a more serious nature should be referred to the first aid attendant who will be identified at the start of the day to all team managers. No physiotherapy or taping of injury services will be provided by the First Aid officer.

  • At times, where the injury is of a more serious nature the first aid attendant will complete an accident report form and may suggest follow up consultation with a doctor or physiotherapist. A copy of this injury form will be made available to the school and executive officer if requested.

  • If needed an ambulance may need to called to transport an injured student to hospital. School team managers/coaches should be made aware of these arrangements and make contact with the school and parent/guardian to advise of this situation.

  • Concussion. The management of sport related concussion in children (aged 5 to 12 years) and adolescents (aged 13 to 18 years) requires special paradigms suitable for the developing child. Children have physical and developmental differences - less developed neck muscles; increased head to neck ratio; and brain cells and pathways that are still developing. Children and adolescents may have greater susceptibility to concussion, they may also take longer to recover and they may be at risk of severe consequences such as second impact syndrome. Managing concussion in children and adolescents therefore requires different standards and a more conservative approach. Children typically take longer to recover from concussion than adults (up to four weeks).

  • Any athlete with a suspected concussion should be IMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM PLAY, and should not be returned to activity until they are assessed medically. Athletes with a suspected concussion should not be left alone. It is recommended that, in all cases of suspected concussion, the player is referred to a medical professional for diagnosis and guidance as well as return to play decisions, even if the symptoms resolve.

  • The Armidale Diocese has liability insurance for student accidents through the Catholic Church Insurance (CCI) and can provide some cover for the cost of any hospital treatment or other benefit if cost arises from an injury while engaging in a sporting activity as part of a school team. Please note that CCI is not a registered health fund and cannot pay all medical expenses.

  • Parents can also make contact with their school office if they have questions around this claim process.