Convenor & Team Manager Information

To facilitate the efficient organisation of Sporting trials around the Diocese and to enable the best team to be selected to represent the Armidale Diocese, it is vital that the School Sports Coordinator promotes events adequately and ensures that nominations are submitted online by the proposed date.

Teachers holding appropriate experience and qualifications are encouraged to apply to be trial conveners, managers or coaches of the above listed representative teams. Development Officers from community clubs may be involved in team selection.

Teachers facilitating the Diocesan Trials may need to call on assistance depending on the number of students trialing. This may require a specialist development officer or another teacher with expertise in this particular sport.

IMPORTANT: Please note that only selected staff members with the correct email address will be able to view and edit the following documents. 

These measures have been put in place to ensure our student's personal details are kept confidential at all times. 

If you require access to any of the following documents please contact Tim Kennedy.

Conveners, Team Managers & Officials (Diocesan, NSWCCC & All Schools levels)

Diocesan Convener and Manager positions for each year will be advertised in Term 4 via email and on the eBulletin. Click on the image "Click here" to be directed to the nomination form. Staff only with an "" email address have access to complete this google form. 

Teachers looking to fill the roles at a Diocesan level as a convener, team manager or official must also complete an online application which will require approval by the school Principal. Teachers are required to upload their First Aid and CPR certificate to the staff dashboard on the CSNSW  Sport portal prior to applying for a role.  All successful applicants will be notified via email.

NSWCCC and NSW All Schools positions are advertised via the CSNSW Sport portal.

All applications need to be approved by respective school Principals. If a convener or team manager withdraws a replacement teacher must gain permission from their Principal to fill the vacancy.

Convenor Report

Every Convener for every sport is to provide a comprehensive report on the trials and carnival. 

These reports are then used to develop articles features on our CSO Facebook site and CSO eBulletin. 

Click on the image "Click here" to be directed to the nomination form. 

Staff only with an "" email address have access to complete this google form. 

Team Manager Report

Every  Team Manager for every sport is to provide a comprehensive report on the trials and carnival. 

These reports are then used to develop articles features on our CSO Facebook site and CSO eBulletin. 

Click on the image "Click here" to be directed to the nomination form. 

Staff only with an "" email address have access to complete this google form. 

Roles & Responsibilities

Role of School Representative 

Role of an Official

An Official for the Armidale Diocesan Swimming and Athletics Carnivals can range dramatically depending on the carnival and your qualifications. Liaising with the Convener to define your responsibilities is vital. Our carnivals cannot go ahead without Officials to help manage the events (e.g Shot Put), complete tasks (e.g Timekeeper, Starter) and assist with the overall running of the carnival. Support to all applications will be provided leading up to and during the carnival. 

Role of Diocesan Team Manager for a NSWCCC Fixture