Blues & Half Blue Awards

Armidale Diocesan Secondary Sports Council Awards

Secondary students from the Armidale Diocese are eligible for the award of an Armidale Diocesan Blue or Half-Blue in sport. These awards are to give recognition to students who have followed the NSWCCC Sport pathway and have excelled in sport as either individuals or as part of a team. Nominations are due to the Executive Officer by the end of Week 2 Term 4 [Term 3 Week 6 for Year 12 students]. Awards should be presented to students at end-of-year award ceremonies at individual schools during December [Year 12 award ceremonies at the end of Term 3]. 


To be eligible for the award of a Blue or Half-Blue, students must: 

Half-Blue Award [Certificate]

● Represent their school and Armidale Diocese in the sport 

● Win a medal at NSWCCC Championships in the sport OR 

● Be selected in the NSWCCC team for the sport [including Country teams] 

Blue Award [Certificate and Plaque] 

● Represent their school and Armidale Diocese in the sport

● Win a medal at NSW All Schools Championships in the sport OR 

● Be selected in the NSW All Schools team in the sport 

N.B. – Not all sports have the same pathway available. NSW All Schools teams are selected following trials involving NSWCCC, NSWCHS and NSWCIS. Some sports select NSW “School” teams that are not part of the NSWCCC Sport representative pathway. Special cases may be considered by the ADSSC provided the student has followed the approved pathway [see below] 

Certificate of Commendation [Certificate] 

● Represent their school in the sport which has no NSWCCC pathway competition available 


● Win the regional final for the state-wide competition



ADSSC endorse and present Service Awards to staff or members of the public for outstanding contributions to the development of secondary school sport. The Service Award should be presented at a suitable school function at the end of the school year. Each year schools are encouraged to nominate at least one person from their school community for a Service Award. 


The Mary Corcoran Award is given to someone who has made a significant contribution to Secondary Sport in the Armidale Diocese over several years. This award is open to parents as well as staff who are not part of the ADSSC [usually selected from those nominated by schools for Service Awards]. Mary Corcoran was the inaugural Chairperson of the ADSSC and was instrumental in setting up NSWCCC and ensuring that country dioceses had equal access to sporting pathways along with their city counterparts.