Staff information

Secondary Sport

Pathway opportunities

Each year secondary school children are invited to attend trials for positions in Armidale Diocese representative teams for the following summer and winter sports: Basketball, Tennis, Cricket, Touch, Softball, Football (Soccer), Rugby League, Rugby Union, Hockey, Netball and Australian Rules. These trials are held annually and link to the Polding selection trials. The selected Armidale team trial at Polding level against the Dioceses of Bathurst, Wilcannia/Forbes, Maitland/Newcastle, Broken Bay and Lismore.

These trials provide pathway opportunities for students and teachers to represent their schools. The Armidale Diocesan Secondary Sports Council constantly evaluates trial procedures in an attempt to provide fair and equitable sporting experiences for all involved. Most sporting trials have specific sporting criteria which students are asked to meet before a nomination is forwarded from the school to the trial convener. This process has worked well with school sport coordinators providing background student information to the trial convener prior to the trial taking place.

Children representing the Armidale Diocese are expected to behave appropriately at all times. Any breeches of an acceptable code of conduct are treated seriously and may result in the child's exclusion from any further team selections.