Sporting Pathway Opportunities

Secondary Sport

In the Diocese of Armidale, secondary schools are invited to participate in annual carnivals for Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics.  These major events also serve as a selection process for Armidale diocesan teams. Children may progress from school level, to Diocesan, to Polding, to CCC and ultimately national level in selected sports. 

Teams are also selected in Rugby League and Touch Football. In some competitions, the winning school team will be eligible to represent the Armidale Diocese in that competition. Other Sports Gala days across a number of sports take place without teams being selected.

All other sports offer pathways but require individual nomination and trials for NSWCCC selection. Details about these trials and how to register are available on the Catholic Schools NSW Sport website -

Students may progress from school level, to Diocesan, to NSW Combined Catholic Colleges (NSWCCC), to NSW All Schools and ultimately national level in selected sports. Information about NSWCCC sports, sporting pathways and registrations can be found at this link.


Selection & Pathway opportunities.

Secondary schools in the Armidale Diocese are part of the New South Wales Combined Catholic Colleges (NSWCCC) Sports Association, which allows students and teachers access to NSW sport representation. 

NSWCCC is comprised of 10 Dioceses including: 

The Sydney Arch-Diocese is represented by 6 Association teams including:


NSWCCC Sport is run under the auspices of Catholic Schools NSW (CSNSW). Catholic Schools NSW Sport’s vision is to provide opportunities for all Catholic primary and secondary school students in NSW to participate in sporting experiences that will enable them to access state and higher representation. There are currently twenty sports endorsed by CSNSW Sport for secondary students including athletics, AFL, baseball, basketball, cricket, cross country, diving, football, golf, hockey, netball, rugby union, rugby league, softball, swimming, tennis, touch, triathlon, volleyball and water polo.

Teams representing NSWCCC will compete against Independent (NSWCIS) and Government Schools (NSWCHS) sectors at the NSW All Schools selections.

Parents of students selected in an Armidale team will be required to register student details online through the Catholic Schools NSW Sport website. This will require you to log on, receive a password then enter relevant details. Once on the website listed above click into the HELP icon for instructions on what to do to register. Helpful tips can also be found at the bottom of this page.

 Students selected to represent the Armidale Diocese at the NSWCCC sports fixtures are generally required to travel to venues using their own private transport. Where a team travels by bus all team members are required to travel with the team. Team members are required to pay a levy to cover the cost of team travel, uniform and carnival administration. All students/parents/carers will provide consent during the online registration. Principals will also provide school consent online.

Students representing the Armidale Diocese are expected to behave appropriately at all times.  Any breaches of an acceptable code of conduct are treated seriously and may result in the student's exclusion from any further team selections as well as other disciplinary action taken by their school.