Policy & Guidelines

Secondary Sport

Team Member Code of Conduct

  • Cooperate with my team manager, teammates and opponents.

  • Work equally hard for myself and my team.

  • Compete by the rules and always abide by the referees/umpires’ or judges’ decision.

  • Be a good sport.

  • Encourage fellow team members.

  • Control my temper and make no criticism either by word or gesture.

  • Show respect for yourself, your teammates, officials, your opponents and their skills.

  • Behave in a manner that respects the rights of others regardless of mediums of communication used e.g. digital mediums such as twitter, facebook, email and texts .

  • Follow all instructions given by the Team Manager.

  • Remain with my team in allocated area when not competing.

Parents' Code of Conduct

  • Cooperate with ADPSC to achieve the best outcomes for your child.

  • Support team and event officials in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students.

  • Maintain positive relationships with team officials regarding your child’s well-being and behaviour Encourage participation by your children.

  • Provide a model of good sportsmanship for your child to copy.

  • Be courteous and constructive in your communication with players, team officials, game officials and sport administrators.

  • Encourage honest effort, skilled performance and team loyalty.

  • Do not interfere with the conduct of any events.

  • Behave in a manner that respects the rights of others regardless of mediums of communication used e.g. digital mediums such as twitter, facebook, email and texts.

  • Will not smoke or consume alcohol at any event conducted by ADPSC.

Spectators' Code of Conduct

  • Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour.

  • Remember children play for enjoyment.

  • Don’t let your behaviour detract from their enjoyment.

  • Let game officials conduct events without interference.

  • Support skilled performances and team play with generous applause.

  • Demonstrate respect for opposing players and their supporters.

  • Behave in a manner that respects the rights of others regardless of mediums of communication used e.g. digital mediums such as twitter, facebook, email and texts.

  • Will not smoke or consume alcohol at any event conducted by ADPSC.