Independent Study Example 1:
Course Design & Improvement

Overview of Example 1: Course Design & Improvement

LDRV 499

3 Units/135 hours

Student's Project Goals: 

Detail - The following sections represent the actual workflow and resources used in this student's project.

Please Note: Every Independent Study is unique. What your project plan contains will depend on your objectives and your program's requirements.

The student's Project Plan Objectives

The student's Project Notes & Process

Here's the official course description that we need to match: LDRV 498 - Senior Capstone 

"This course focuses on developing project management skills for graduating seniors in the Organizational Leadership BAS degree program and other students interested in project management. It supports a better understanding of project management concepts and methodology. Students will apply these concepts by developing a viable project plan for a non-profit organization or small business in the local community."

Project Management Resources provided to this student

Saylor Academy: BUS402: Project Management

Free Ebook: Project Management from Simple to Complex

PMP test prep 

Current Book: Schwalbe's Introduction to Project Management for Instructors

1. Complete the Cutting Edge Tutorial

We will be planning our class and THEN putting parts online. Instructional design is tough (Dr. Perkl used to do it as her main job),  but it makes it easier to ensure your class is consistent, clear, and well-planned - which is VERY important. 

<< If you’ve never taught online before - this article is a great thing to read first - to get you in the mindset of best practices. >>

Typically this tutorial takes people 2-5 hours for each part (there are 3 parts total). This time investment depends mostly on how much material you come into the class with. You will get done faster if you do not try to multitask while completing it - it is especially a process of intense thought for Part I and II. Completing it will ensure you end up with a strategically planned course that effectively meets both program and your goals.

Start the Tutorial Here

Cutting Edge Tutorial: Part 1

For Part 1.1: Context and Constraints

Consider the constraints and context laid out above in our philosophies. Plan to reward practice and contribution in the beginning of the course and excellence at the end.

 For Part 1.2: Overarching Goals

Be sure your course is meeting the goals listed for the program and in the curriculum map for this course. (If we need to edit the Cover and Assess notes for a class we can, just let me know when you're done redesigning the class.)

Assessment Plan that we need to ensure we meet the goals of in the class: 

For Part 1.3: Ancillary Skills Goals

Pick 1-2 ancillary skills you’d like them to focus on in the class and have them do multiple assignments with it throughout. (Example: 471 is written communication, 304 is teamwork as part of the sim participation, etc.). Only focusing on one ancillary skill is completely fine! You can also have them work on the same assignment, just different parts or on improving it week to week in different ways, throughout the entire semester.

For Part 1.4: Content --> Goals

Don't worry about textbooks yet! Just keep working through the tutorial.

Cutting Edge Tutorial: Part 2

For Part 2.1: Course Plan

You don't need to be laying out the full week by week plan yet, but instead considering the content coverage and skills practice you want in the course.

For Part 2.2: Strategies & Assignments

Learning styles are a myth. Ignore that nonsense. The rest of this section is valid. What is good about providing multiple methods(like you would if you falsely believed in learning styles) is that providing choices to students can improve engagement and motivation, but it's not required except when needed to ensure course accessibility (which is covered in more detail later on this page).

This class is exempt from needing to follow a standard amount of work per week, since it's a capstone, so we don't have to worry so much about structure and flow and balancing workloads or types of assignments except in the preparatory skills part if we're doing that with them (i.e. teaching them the principles of Project Management).

For Part 2.3: Assessment

Remember what I said before, 'Plan to reward practice and contribution in the beginning of the course and excellence at the end.'  I LOVE the idea of cooperative exams in leadership courses, and I'm pressuring our students to let go of this silly idea of needing to work alone all the time, since business is now all about collaboration and constant communication (in a knowledge/info economy), facilitating them working together informally is in all of our best interests.

If you want to look at another resource - try this page for a great overview of how to assess student learning.

For Part 2.4: The Syllabus

Picking a Textbook (and other materials like cases, sims, etc.)

As noted in our Initiatives - we're committed to our course materials costing no more than $100 for books and additional materials (standard items like laptops and a headset don't count toward that total).

Cutting Edge Tutorial: Part 3

For Part 3.1: Following Through

Additional resources provided to this student

Great Free/Cheap Stuff

Support information provided to this student

Planning your Course (Prepping the Course Outline)

You will likely have a course Google Site you can copy from the previous instructor which should include a syllabus for you to customize. If you don't, take a look at this example (though it is from summer), and keep the following in mind:

Instructor's Note to this student: "Be realistic, and know yourself"

Be careful to take into consideration the load YOU will experience when you plan your course as well!  In my earliest classes I would do lots of small assignments in one week, students loved them (surveys, sharing results, a minute paper, etc.) but grading 4 assignments per week (even for participation) per student really adds up.  Look for the balance that results in learning + acceptable load for you.