Baking & Photography Competitions

The PTFA decided to run a Baking Competition and Photography Competition during lockdown.  We really wanted to do something that would engage the students and encourage them do something creative.  It worked!  The standard of entries was incredible.   With the help of our expert panel of judges (baking - Mrs Bennett and Miss Guest; photography - Mr Goldenfeld and Mrs Astle) we finally decided upon the winners.  Our competition was very kindly sponsored by Mr Bill Bohanna, Arden Governor, and the winners received £250 in touchwood vouchers in total.   Thank you Bill and thank you to all the students who entered the competition.   

1st Prize - Adam Batts (Y10)

1st Prize - Lola Barker (Y7)

2nd Prize - Gabe Khatri (Y10)

2nd Prize - Jessica Bray (Y9)

3rd Prize - Daisy Burton (Y8)

3rd Prize - Arthur Wilson (Y8)

Star Photographers!

Star Bakers!

With Hannah Jordan, PTFA and Bill Bohanna,  Prize Sponsor