Big Cash Draw

What is the Arden PTFA Big Cash Draw?

The PTFA Big Cash Draw takes place every month, except for July and August.  For just £12 per year (that's just £1 per month!) you can enter into a draw and have the chance to win £50 every month or £200 at the end of each school term.  

For details on how to pay, etc. please visit ParentPay 

Selection of random pictures of past winners...

Congratulations to parents, Mr & Mrs Simpson, who won the end of Autumn term 2021 Big Cash Draw for £200!

Mrs Sheppard happily collecting her £50 cheque following November 21 Draw

Congratulations to parent, Mr Cheriton, who won the end of Autumn term 2020 Big Cash Draw for £200!

Mr Fletcher, Teacher of Art, pictured collecting his cheque for £50 in January 2018.  Doesn't he look happy!

How can I join?

All we ask of you is to make one annual payment of £12.00 to be entered into the draw. This is open to all members of your family and the community.   For parents of Arden, you can enter the draw simply by paying through ParentPay 

For anyone not holding an Arden Parentpay account, please email us and we'll send you a DD form.   If you prefer not to give us your bank details, we are happy to accept a cheque along with the standing order form giving your contact details so that we are able to contact you in the event of your number being drawn.   Please drop the form/payment into the secure Post Box next to the Main Entrance front doors.