Bids & Funding

Once funds are raised, staff at Arden have the opportunity to "bid" for funding to enable them to make their essential purchases.   For large bids, i.e., over £1000, staff are expected to "pitch" their bid at the monthly Committee meeting.   Bids are assessed by the Committee to ensure they have maximum benefit for the students.

Over the past few years, we are proud to have raised an impressive amount of money for the purchase of larger items such as the Arden minibuses and a professional sound and lighting system.  Take a look at what some of the recipients of PTFA funding have to say:

Here are some examples of recently funded items:

Latest 2022 purchase - Floor standing pillar drill for DT

Autumn 2020 - we funded the purchase of these wonderful Just Write books for all Year 7 pupils.

PTFA Thank You Video.mp4

In our June 2018 Committee Meeting, Mrs Hodgkinson and Mrs Hale (English teachers), pitched their bid.   Here's what Mrs Hodgkinson had to say when the bid was awarded:

“The Sixth Form team are absolutely delighted that you have agreed to fund the Elevate Sessions and purchase seating for the Sixth Formers to enable them to sit outside during the warmer months.  This will free up so much space inside - as you know we are a little cramped at the moment!  Your generosity has blown us away.  In addition, as part of the English Department, I would like to say that similarly delighted at receiving 2 brand new sets of all 3 text books used in Year 7; we can’t wait to replace our current stock which is literally falling apart.   

The PTFA have made a huge difference to the lives of Year 12: the purchase of computers has already made Room 10 far more successful as a silent study area. The additional seating, when purchased, will help with space as well as allowing students to have slightly more relaxation space at lunchtime thus contributing to positive mental health at a time when exams provide enough stress to deal with. The contribution earlier this year towards Brook workshops, and the further contribution towards Elevate, will ensure that our students continue to be well informed about issues that massively affect their lives.

Jointly, we have this year alone received well over £6000 worth of resources all courtesy of the PTFA.   Thank goodness for you and all your efforts.  It is massively appreciated”.

Mrs Lisa Hodgkinson, Head of Year 12 and Teacher of English

New PTA Video 2015.mp4