Registered charity – 1001699

Twitter: @ArdenPTFA


To donate or enquire about pre-loved uniforms, visit "Arden PTFA Pre-loved Uniform" on Facebook or email 

A Message from the PTFA Chair

Arden Academy is truly a wonderful school with an amazing family ethos. The PTFA is a friendly diverse range of parents, carers and staff who are passionate about supporting Arden students. Our main purpose is to raise funds to help provide much-needed resources and to positively impact the education of pupils and we do this by holding fundraising events and activities throughout the school year.

We need your help to keep the PTFA going and would welcome your involvement in any capacity you can manage.

Get Involved

If you would like to get involved with the PTFA’s activities, would like any other information about the PTFA, or have any suggestions or ideas about fund-raising, please drop us an email -

Julie Sutton

The PTFA Committee

The Committee meets on the first Monday of the month at 7:30pm in the Conference Room at Arden. It is made up of a President, Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee members, including parents, staff and friends. Friends of Arden can include grandparents, ex-parents, community members, etc.

To make contact with the PTFA by email, simply CLICK HERE

Core Members include:

§   Martin Murphy, Arden MAT CEO and President of PTFA

§   Julie Sutton, Chairperson

§   Caroline Butler, Vice Chair

§   Hannah Jordan, Secretary

§   Clare Kealey, Treasurer

§   Amanda Smith, Big Cash Draw Co-ordinator

§   Kate Hendry, School Liaison

The Committee holds its AGM every year in October. Notification of the next AGM will be sent out 30 days before the meeting is due to take place. To receive a copy of AGM minutes please EMAIL HERE

Committee Roles.pptx

Our Goals: