Optimistic Nihilism

By Marilyn Sieger

I am alive in the springtime 

awake with the awareness of 

eye-bulging simplicity: 

One day the planet earth will 

E X 

    P L O D E ! 

If you’re unlike me and this doesn’t 

fill you with peaceful glee in the 

mortality of human momentary allow me 

to explain the ephemeral; allow me to 

d e c o n s t r u c t . 

Someday at some point 

in a future near or far 

there will be an End. 

The sun will expand and then consume 

and nothing or nobody will be here 

(or anywhere) 

to Remember.

Isn’t that the scary part? 

Eighty-or-so spins around the sun 

and we spend them wondering 

what the world thinks when in reality

we will fall into the mandalas of oblivion like dripping paint -  

At this point I’m saying 

who gives a damn? 

I’m saying, hell yeah, dye your hair 

hot pink on a Tuesday

because we’re all dying anyway. 

I’m saying, hell yeah, belt the words 

of a song because the silence will

follow us into Eternity. 

I’m saying, hell yeah, take a stupid chance 

if that means you find meaning in your meaningless; 

it’s a miracle we’re all alive at the same moment, isn’t it?

I’m saying, everything is fake besides happiness

and the sun. 

The world is held in the fists of breakers and

Time is on fire; 

We only have enough to dance to one more song. 

So dance damn it! Why be anything 

but our own skins. Why be unhappy 

when you could sing. Why be dead 

when we’re only alive for a moment, a breath.

About the Author

Marilyn Sieger is a writer from Arcadia University.