2 Poems

By Helen Armstrong

The Wrath of Achilles


What did you think,


When you donned his armor,

When your bones grew

Twice their size and the

Salt sea water of the gods

Filled your lungs with pride

And power.


You held his name in your mouth

Like a branding iron

You called on his power

The envy of man

Aristos Achaeon

Best of the Greeks


When the scorned earth

Falls to the gods,

And their hands gather

The dust of the people

Like ashes from a fire

Will they remember you?


I know

His love hurt.

Holding his strength

Inside you

Killed you.


Did you bleed,

And was the blood gold?

Or was it rust red,

And did it trail behind you as 

He dragged your body

And did you hear his screams

From the afterlife where you

Hovered, waiting for them

To pass you along,

Waiting to wait for him?


Where are you now,

And where is he?

Is he on Olympus

Sipping the nectar

Of the plants of the gods?

Did Hades take his hand

And walk him across the

River Styx,

His feet flitting over the


Are you with him there

Or are you alone,


And what do you think?

“when you’re floating in the dead sea i lay in our bed and write this poem to you”

i’ve begun to run out of new ways to say

i love

you so i recycle the old ones

wrinkled as i draw them from my

throat, and you deserve more from a

writer like me, i’m sorry i only have

one language for


does it help to know

i’ve invented it myself from

scraps i gathered in

corners of my body i

never knew existed until you

shone a light into them?

About the Author

Helen Armstrong is a senior Print Communications major with a Creative Writing minor. At Arcadia, she served for several semesters as Editor in Chief of Loco Mag. Her work has appeared in Quiddity, Catfish Creek, and Cleaver Magazine. After graduation, she plans to move to Colorado to live on top of a mountain and pen an epic 500K word novel about insects. For further inquiries, please contact her manager and dog, Spirit the Samoyed.