Of Earth And Religion and What Connects Them

By Emmalee Gagnon

Green and Green

Alien Disease formed

In an overhead light

Planted like Cacti,

Like a Christ figure;

(Not needing water)

To survive.

Rinse and Rinse

Repeat the lyrics

Grown like lambs,

Like an Isaac figure;

(So easily butchered)

That he taught you

To love.

About the Author

Emmalee Gagnon is an eighteen-year-old aspiring author who is currently an English major with a concentration in Creative Writing at Arcadia University. She has completed three novels, one of which has been completely edited with her writing mentor and freelance editor, Patty Zion, and is in the process of being published. Emmalee was the youngest person to ever be selected to attend the New York Pitch Conference, and had the opportunity while there to have her work critiqued by editors and agents. She has won multiple poetry and short story contests, and some of her work will be published in a book during the spring.