Editor's Note

Dear Readers,

We've been wondering about love. What it's like to be in it, fall out of it, or discover it somewhere unexpected. How two people in the same place can see different sides of the same feeling. How a town, a song, and even death can play a role in the way we break each other's hearts and help pick up the pieces. If every story is a love story, how lucky we are to have artists at this university add new dimensions, elements, and senses to one of the most archetypal human experiences.

If our prose breaks you apart, I hope that the poetry puts you back together again. You will see grief, injustice, and fear alongside hope, intimacy, and the ethereal in this issue. Despite the diversity of subject, all of these writers are united in their message - that love, like life, is always more complicated than we think.

An enormous, indescribable thank you to all of our contributors, the Quiddity staff, Daniel Pieczkolon, Brendan McCourt, and Kyle Whitlock. Never stop reading, writing, and exploring the power of words on a page.

And to you, reader - you're the one who gives our words their power.

- Marcella Haddad, Prose Editor