
Sarah Doran is a senior English major at Arcadia University. While here, she's studied in Scotland, Ireland, and Italy. Sarah is the 2017 recipient of the Arcadia University Excellence in Creative Writing Award, and she will be attending the School of the Art Institute in Chicago in the fall to pursue her MFA.

Becca Choi, English major and Art-major-wannabe, aspires to travel the world. She spends most of her time day dreaming and conjuring up adventures, vacations, and road trips.

Rachel Gonzalez is a 20-year-old English Major who loves cats way too much. Most of her stories are driven by caffeine, which is why writing and coffee are her two favorite things. She's extremely hopeful for the future and ready to see her work in future publications, both with Quiddity and other publications.

Carly Racklin loves storytelling in all its forms, but is especially passionate about the fantastical and the visceral. When not writing, she can be found drawing, playing video games, or plucking at her guitars. She is usually thinking about birds. 

William Kyle Whitlock III is a junior, or so he thinks, majoring in English, or so he also thinks. He enjoys writing poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction, preferably comedic, and acting. He prefers his tea loose, his games board, and his pens fountain.

Meg McGee is a first-year undergraduate at Arcadia University. She is an English major in the creative writing concentration. When not writing or reading, Meg spends time at home watching Netflix with her dachshund, Alice.

Hannah Carlson is a Junior English major hoping to be a poet in the near future. An active member of the book club at Arcadia, Knight Tales. A geek at heart that spends her free time reading, playing Magic The Gathering with friends and binge watching Netflix.

Helen Armstrong is a junior Print Communications major. When she grows up she wants to be either Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or a writer, whichever comes first. She's currently brainstorming a gay book about the afterlife, and her dream is to write fiction that is a) entertaining, b) refreshing, and c) not heteronormative. She's editor-in-chief and tweets a mix of weird stuff and political rants @helenkarmstrong.

Emmalee Gagnon is an eighteen-year-old aspiring author who is currently an English major with a concentration in Creative Writing at Arcadia University. She has completed three novels, one of which has been completely edited with her writing mentor and freelance editor, Patty Zion, and is in the process of being published. Emmalee was the youngest person to ever be selected to attend the New York Pitch Conference, and had the opportunity while there to have her work critiqued by editors and agents. She has won multiple poetry and short story contests, and some of her work will be published in a book during the spring.

Olivia Baumgartner is a freshman English major from Old Bridge, New Jersey. On campus she's involved in Under Siege and the Arc Radio. She's very excited to keep writing and get involved with Quiddity!

Caitlyn Somers is a senior English major at Arcadia University. She is about to graduate, and is terrified. She wants to be a college professor and desires to (eventually) publish a book of poetry. Her hobbies include: watching dance choreography videos on Youtube (and telling herself she will one day learn those dances, but never actually does), exploring nature, experiencing all forms of art, inhaling ice cream, and playing with dogs. She is obsessed with words: when she was little and used to play soccer, she would stand in the middle of the field, during a game, and scribble words in the air. Her parents and teammates were extremely confused, and told her to pay attention. As she transitioned into adulthood, she began to embrace her fascination with words. She always tries to find the right one, and when she fails to do so, she is frustrated. So it goes.

Jess Derr is a freshman English major from Willow Grove, PA. She is a member of the women's lacrosse team, a frequent contributor to Arcadia's blog, Because Arcadia, and a freelance photographer with University Relations.  In this issue of the magazine, Jess's work is featured on the Cover Page & the Contributor's Page, and accompanies "Our Boys," "Pebbles," "The Intimacy of Sharing Music," "Blur," and "They Made Me Hate It (Well, Love/Hate It)." 

Bryn Carney is a creative writing major and sophomore at Arcadia University. She grew up in Atglen, Pennsylvania, where she began her favorite hobby: photography. Her ultimate goal in life is to save the bees.  In this issue of the magazine, Bryn's work is featured on the Editor's Note page and accompanies "Water Stains," "Lily," "One Less," "I Will Not Be Held By Order," "Intimate Withdrawal," "This Is How Big," and "Of Earth and Religion and What Connects Them." 

Magazine Staff (Spring 2017)

Brendan McCourt, Editor-in-Chief

Marcella Haddad, Fiction Editor

William Kyle Whitlock, Poetry Editor

Ruth Mitzel, Web Editor

Leslie Austin, Reader

Daniel Balis, Reader

Monica Ditomassi, Reader

Rebecca Hane, Reader

Rebecca Hanko, Reader

Kerrianna Wallace, Reader