
By Danita Mapes

Artwork by Carly Maloney

kiss me with citrus - sticky lips

and taunt me for not peeling the fruit 

as quickly as i anger 

nestle yourself above me , 

blocking out the brilliant sun 

of which we both have a fondness for  

but it’s alright - because i’d much rather

look at you, anyways 

and please laugh that beautiful laugh that is 

grating and rough, 

(i say that with utmost affection, 

in case you were uncertain) 

hold me as the sky turns 

a passionate periwinkle 

and say ---

“i could write a song 

about this.” 

(i don’t tell you this, but 

i’ve already composed a sonnet 

about the curvature 

of your mouth


my sweet anodyne 

if you will, 

sojourn in my heart a while longer ---- 

let me be selfish for a moment, 

my beautiful eclipse. 

the sun is too bright without you.

About the Author

Danita Mapes is a Junior Media and Communication major with a concentration in Multimedia Publishing.