McDonald’s, or Not

By Danita Mapes

Artwork by Jewel Miller

my father did not see the mcdonalds on the highway


according to his logic, 


it does not exist. 

the not-McDonalds 

is not situated 

on the I80

towards bloomsburg

and does not serve fries

or burgers 

or coke 

for weary travelers 

people do not work there 

for minimum wage 

they do not get up at 6 am

and do not leave their kids 

with their neighbors 

to work a double 

the not-Mcdonalds 

will not serve me hot, 

salty, efficient fries, 

made under dubious 

and mysterious 


i am very hungry

and my father’s perception 

is flawed.

About the Author

Danita Mapes is a Junior Media and Communication major with a concentration in Multimedia Publishing.