Editor's Note

Artwork by Erica Bentley

As the graduating seniors of Quiddity, we’d like to take this opportunity to celebrate the work we’ve received, the readership we’ve gained, and the people who have worked alongside us these past years. From the alumni who have held the reigns before us to the newest reader who has stumbled upon our literary magazine. 

Out of the many, many things we’ve all involved ourselves in these last few years, reading the work of fellow students has been one of the most gratifying experiences that we’ve had at Arcadia. We have been continually impressed, inspired, and in awe of your work. Each issue we can say that we all became fans of several new undergraduate writers. The variety of pieces we’ve received has made reading each individual work so exciting, and the vulnerability and creativity of these pieces has made reading them not a chore, but a seriously enjoyable part of our year and our time here as students. 

As this semester comes to an end, we can reflect that it's been a weird couple of years, to say the least. One of the greatest things about literature is that it binds us together in some kind of way, and it acts as a much needed space for reflection and expression. We send a massive thank you to all the contributors that make this magazine possible, and another to all the dedicated members of this team. And of course, we thank our readers, who really bring this whole thing to life.

As some of us prepare for graduation, and as we go “out into the world,” we won’t forget the community that we’ve all fostered here, the words that you’ve shared, or the incredible talent we’ve encountered. To those graduating–congratulations, and to those sticking around, we look forward to reading your work in the next issues of Quiddity to come.

-Leigh Ferrier & Erica Bentley