un homme et ses filles et leurs petites cœurs

Inspiré d’un tableau de Pablo Picasso: Les Demoiselles D’Avignon (1907)

By Jocelyn Royal

Les Demoiselles D’Avignon by Pablo Picaso (1907)

un homme qui prend les cœurs des femmes

a man who rips and tears, rearranging

les petites filles, my poor darlings

il est un monstre, un homme qui adore manger

stripped of your clothes, of your hearts, of your song

il t’a acheté, mais il ne t’aime

you just don’t have the spark he wants--

pas de “je ne sais quoi”

but he is just a monster, ripping little girls apart

their bloody hearts beating in time

all marching comme les soldats,

chanter en même temps

il a faim, mais il n’est pas plein

he cannot be satisfied

parce qu’il mange, il mange, il mange

il ne te pense pas, because you are just une petite fille

he cannot see, cannot care, cannot love

et tu es une foue for thinking he’d love you

so rip your heart back, sew it up tight,

and lock it away from the light of day

and especially from men like him.

un homme qui corrompt qui mange qui vole

les petites cœurs des les petites filles

he is a man who is unwise

for the girls know where he sleeps at night

About the Author

Jocelyn Royal is a second-year biology student at Arcadia University. She's in the pre-forensic science program; she wants to be a crime scene technician. Despite her scientific pursuits, she has a deep appreciation for literature and hopes to be able to pursue both academic and creative interests as she navigates through life.