Daily Agendas and Assignments

Week 11: Monday, October 28 - Friday, November 1

Monday, October 28

What you need today: Macbeth book, pen, Yellow character graphic organizer

Work Due: Nothing due

Assignment: Preview Act I.v in your No Fear book before class tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 29

What you need today: Pen, paper, yellow chart

Work Due:  Have read Act 1.v in No Fear Shakespeare

Assignment: Preview Act I. vi and vii in No Fear Shakespeare

Wednesday, October 30

What you need today: Chromebook, Macbeth book, pen, paper, MLA Handbook,  4 highlighters (yellow/orange, blue, green, pink/purple)

1. What is a euphemism?

2. Write several examples of euphemisms related to death. Ex. "kicked the bucket"

Work Due: Preview Act I. vi and vii in No Fear Shakespeare

Assignment: Euphemisms for Murder for class time

Thursday, October 31

What you need today: Macbeth book, pen, paper

Work Due: Euphemisms for murder sheet

Assignment: Finish Act II.i annotation for Monday

Friday, November 1

What you need today: Chromebook, Macbeth book, pen, paper

Prayer: Glory Be

Work Due: Nothing

Assignment: Close Reading 2.1 Monday

Week 12: Monday, November 4 - Friday, November 8

Monday, November 4

Prayer: Our Father

Patrick Stewart (2010) Denzel Washington (2021) Ian McKellen (1979)

Globe Theater (2023) Jon Finch (1971)

Work Due: Annotations of Act 2.1

Assignment: Read 2.2 in No Fear Macbeth

Tuesday, November 5

What you need today: Macbeth & MLA books, Chromebook, headphones

Work Due: Have read Act 2.2

Assignment: Read 2.3 in No Fear Macbeth for class time tomorrow, Act 2.2 Assignment (Lvl 2 Duncan is Dead from Royal Shakespeare Company)  due Thursday

Wednesday, November 6

What you need today: Macbeth book, pen, paper, highlighter

Prayer: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen 

Work Due: Have read 2.3 in No Fear Macbeth for class time

Assignment: Finish The Porter Scene for Friday, Don't forget Act 2.2 Assignment (Lvl 2 Duncan is Dead from Royal Shakespeare Company)  for tomorrow

Thursday, November 7

Prayer: Grant, o merciful God, that I may ardently desire, prudently examine, truthfully acknowledge, and perfectly accomplish what is pleasing to Thee for the praise and glory of Thy name. Amen.

Work Due: Act 2.2 Assignment (Lvl 2 Duncan is Dead from Royal Shakespeare Company) PRINTED

Assignment: The Porter Scene for Friday

Friday, November 8

What you need today: Pen, Questions from Thursday

Prayer: Grant, o merciful God, that I may ardently desire, prudently examine, truthfully acknowledge, and perfectly accomplish what is pleasing to Thee for the praise and glory of Thy name. Amen.

Work Due: The Porter Scene

Assignment: Read Act 2.4 for Monday from No Fear Macbeth

Week 13: Monday, November 11 - Friday, November 15

Monday, November 11

What you need today: pen, paper, character graphic organizer

Work Due: Read Act 2.4  from No Fear Macbeth

Assignment: Read Act 3.1-2 from No Fear Macbeth

Tuesday, November 12

Work Due: Read Act 3.1-2 from No Fear Macbeth

Assignment: Review Act 3.3-3.4 from No Fear Macbeth to be sure you understand what we read in class.

Wednesday, November 13

What you need today: 

Work Due: Act 3.3-4 from No Fear Macbeth

Assignment: Read Act 3.4-6 from No Fear Macbeth 

Thursday, November 14

What you need today: pen, Macbeth book

Work Due: Nothing due

Assignment: Read Act 4.1  from No Fear Macbeth

Friday, November 15

What you need today: pen, highlighter

Work Due: Have read 4.1 from No Fear Macbeth 

Assignment: Read Act 4.2-4.3  from No Fear Macbeth

Week 14: Monday, November 18 - Friday, November 22

Monday, November 18

What you need today: 

Work Due: Have read Act 4.2-4.3  in No Fear Macbeth

Assignment: Read Act 5.1-4  from No Fear Macbeth

Tuesday, November 19

What you need today: pen, highlighter

Work Due: Have read 5.1-4 in No Fear Macbeth

Assignment: Read Act 5.5 in No Fear Macbeth

Wednesday, November 20

What you need today: pen, highlighter

Work Due: Read Act 5.5 in No Fear Macbeth

Assignment: Read Act 5.6-end from No Fear Macbeth; EdPuzzle due Thursday, end of school day

Thursday, November 21

Work Due: Read Act 5.6-end in No Fear Macbeth

Assignment: No assignment

Friday, November 22

If you are absent, SEE Ms. Greene IMMEDIATELY for options

Work Due: Nothing due

Assignment: Complete the questions that relate to what you viewed today.

Week 15: Monday, November 25 - Friday, November 29

Monday, November 25

What you need today: Viewing Guide from Friday

If you are absent, SEE Ms. Greene IMMEDIATELY for options

Work Due: None

Assignment: Complete questions from what was viewed today

Tuesday, November 26

What you need today: Macbeth Viewing Guide

If you are absent, SEE Ms. Greene IMMEDIATELY for options

Work Due: Complete document

Assignment: Complete the viewing guide.

Wednesday, November 27 No School

Thursday, November 28 No School

Friday, November 29 No School

Week 16: Monday, December 2 - Friday, December 6

Monday, December 2

What you need today: 

Work Due: None

Assignment: Write a theme statement for Macbeth before class time tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 3

What you need today: pen, highlighter

Work Due: Theme statement for Macbeth

Assignment: Outline your essay for the Macbeth paper and bring it to class ready for checking.

Wednesday, December 4

What you need today: pen, Chromebook (open to Bell Ringer)

Work Due: Printed Outline

Assignment:  Write MEAL paragraph for class time tomorrow. Come with PRINTED draft.

Thursday, December 5

What you need today: Printed draft out MEAL paragraph

Bell Ringer: Place PRINTED draft of MEAL paragraph on the front table.

SPECIAL NOTE: Your topic sentence should not be your thesis. You are already mentioning the title of the film/ play in your thesis. You do not need to mention it again in your topic sentence(s). You are also addressing the entire theme statement in your thesis, so you only need to reference it (whole) if it is relevant. You can probably get away with mentioning the specific aspect of the theme that the element you are arguing is actually affecting.

Work Due: Printed Draft of MEAL paragraph

Assignment: Final Drafts of Outline and MEAL paragraph due by 3:05 Friday to Google Classroom and Turnitin.com, submit self scored rubric stapled on top of peer scored rubric for MEAL paragraph into the bin.

Friday, December 6

What you need today: pen, highlighter

Work Due: Final Drafts of Outline and MEAL paragraph due by 3:05 Friday

Assignment: Nothing assigned

Week 17: Monday, December 9 - Friday, December 13

Monday, December 9

You may use your Macbeth book today to write the in class essay. At the end of the hour, you can neatly stack your book on the front table.

Remember what we learned about write a theme statement, a thesis statement, and MEAL paragraphs. I know that you have limited time, so my expectations will be tempered.

Work Due: In class essay by the end of class

Assignment: No assignment

Tuesday, December 10

Prayer: Hail Mary

Work Due: Nothing due

Assignment: No assignment

Wednesday, December 11

Prayer: Our Father

Work Due: Nothing due

Assignment: No assignment

Thursday, December 12

Prayer: Hail Mary

Work Due: Nothing due

Assignment: Review lenses notes or Quizziz about the notes

Friday, December 13

Prayer: St. Thomas Aquinas Prayer

Work Due: Have reviewed or practiced lenses 

Assignment: Study lenses. There may be a quiz next week.

Week 18: Monday, December 16 - Friday, December 20

Monday, December 16


What you need today: Pen, Notes from last week

4. Read the article from Time Magazine that uses the historical-cultural lens.

Work Due: Study Lenses

Assignment: Read for class time the article using the  historical-cultural lens  

Tuesday, December 17


What you need today: Pen, Notes from last week

Work Due: Have read the Time article that used the  historical-cultural lens

Assignment: No assignment 

Wednesday, December 18


What you need today: Pen, Notes from last week

In groups of NO MORE THAN 4:

Work Due: Nothing

Assignment: Complete the graphic organizer if not finished in class today

Thursday, December 19

What you need today: Pen for notes


Work Due: "Baby Its Cold Outside" graphic organizer (if not checked off yesterday)

Assignment: Read Critical Analysis using historical lens from a college freshman on "The Sniper" for class time tomorrow. Note on assignment--be sure that you observe the changes made between drafts and that you read the PROCESS MEMO at the end.  

Friday, December 20 Golden Mass Day


Work Due: Read Critical Analysis using historical lens from a college freshman on "The Sniper" for class time. Note on assignment--be sure that you observe the changes made between drafts and that you read the PROCESS MEMO at the end. 


Week 19: Monday, January 1 - Friday, January  3

Monday, December 30

No School

Tuesday, December 31

No School

Wednesday, January 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!

No School

Thursday, January 2

What you need today: Pen, Lenses Notes

Revision option: 

Take some notes:

Work Due: Submit "Sniper" lenses from before break

Assignment: FINISH reading "Araby." If you forgot about "Sniper," finish for tomorrow.

Friday, January  3

What you need today: Pen, Lenses Notes


Work Due: Have finished reading "Araby" Don't forget to turn in "Sniper" lenses assignment from before break.

Assignment: Reread "Araby" and review lenses

Week 20: Monday, January 6 - Friday, January 10

Monday, January 6

What you need today: Pen, Lenses Notes

Work Due: Have finished reading "Araby" and considering the ideas mentioned on page 511 of text.

Assignment: Finished reading "Eveline" and consider the questions on the back of the sheet.

Tuesday, January 7

What you need today: Pen, Notes from last week, Chromebook open to here or the "Eveline" story

Bell Ringer: Quiz Lenses on Google Classroom



NOTE: I want your group to discuss what you think, apply the lenses to the best of your ability, struggle through. Looking up on the internet and what someone else thinks does not help to increase your critical or creative thinking skills, which is a major goal of a literature and writing course!

Work Due: Finished reading "Eveline" and responding to questions 1-3, 9-11, 15-16

Assignment: None

Work Due: Revisions to paper. Description of process is found under the agenda from last week Thursday.

Wednesday, January 8

What you need today: 

Final Exams Periods 1-3

Need assistance? I have prep period 1.

Thursday, January 9

What you need today: 

Final Exams Periods 4-6

Need assistance? I have study hall 4th, so I can see you in there!

Friday, January 10

What you need today: 

Final Exams Periods 7-8 and Makeup

Need assistance? See me during the make-up period.