Daily Agendas and Assignments
Week 11: Monday, October 28 - Friday, November 1
Monday, October 28
What you need today: Macbeth book, pen, Yellow character graphic organizer
Bell Ringer: Look at the task cards at your table. Prepare an answer for both. After prayer, you will share your card and response with the class.
Prayer: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen
Update yellow sheet with information about the characters that we have met
Act I.iv
After viewing the scene, read the scene in your groups discussing what happened. What are the big ideas? What can you add to your yellow graphic organizer?
Start witches comparison
Work Due: Nothing due
Assignment: Preview Act I.v in your No Fear book before class tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 29
What you need today: Pen, paper, yellow chart
Bell Ringer: Look at the task cards at your table. Prepare an answer on the paddles. After prayer, you will share your car and responses with the class.
Prayer: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen
Act I.v (RSC Key Scene Explanation)
Exit Ticket in Google Classroom.
Work Due: Have read Act 1.v in No Fear Shakespeare
Assignment: Preview Act I. vi and vii in No Fear Shakespeare
Wednesday, October 30
What you need today: Chromebook, Macbeth book, pen, paper, MLA Handbook, 4 highlighters (yellow/orange, blue, green, pink/purple)
Bell Ringer: On a sheet of paper write down your ideas related to the following questions:
1. What is a euphemism?
2. Write several examples of euphemisms related to death. Ex. "kicked the bucket"
View Act I.vi and I.vii
In-depth analysis of I.vii exploring euphemism in the scene
As you view the video above, complete the provided examples on this Euphemisms for Murder worksheet
Work Due: Preview Act I. vi and vii in No Fear Shakespeare
Assignment: Euphemisms for Murder for class time
Thursday, October 31
What you need today: Macbeth book, pen, paper
Halloween Prayer: Dear God, we ask that your hand of protection is upon everyone out trick or treating this Halloween. Keep them safe from harm, protect them from injury, protect them from dangerous people, protect them from getting lost. Be with each child, parent and guardian. Help them to feel safe and secure in their community. Amen.
Bell Ringer: Who would you cast as the three witches? What about those thespians would make you select them?
Continue witches comparison
Read Act 2.1
Close Reading of Act 2.1. The link on this point will take you to the annotations you need to do.
Work Due: Euphemisms for murder sheet
Assignment: Finish Act II.i annotation for Monday
Friday, November 1
What you need today: Chromebook, Macbeth book, pen, paper
Prayer: Glory Be
Bell Ringer: Macbeth Witches Voting on Google Classroom. You can only use 10 one time. Each person should have a different rank. If you vote in section on, section 2 will NOT be counted.
Work time on Close Reading of Act 2.1. The link on this point will take you to the annotations you need to do. If you work better hearing it read to you, the Edpuzzle of the reading has been assigned to you, so you can follow along. It will stop you for annotations 2-7.
Work Due: Nothing
Assignment: Close Reading 2.1 Monday
Week 12: Monday, November 4 - Friday, November 8
Monday, November 4
Prayer: Our Father
Bell Ringer: Preview document you picked up from the front table.
"Macbeth's Dagger" Lecture
Comparisons of 2.1 using Graphic Organizer
Patrick Stewart (2010) Denzel Washington (2021) Ian McKellen (1979)
Globe Theater (2023) Jon Finch (1971)
Work Due: Annotations of Act 2.1
Assignment: Read 2.2 in No Fear Macbeth
Tuesday, November 5
What you need today: Macbeth & MLA books, Chromebook, headphones
Prayer: Hail Mary
Bell Ringer: Finish Comparisons of 2.1 using Graphic Organizer
View Act 2, Scene 2
Review scene by scene Act 2 scenes 1-2
Work on Act 2.2 Assignment (Lvl 2 Duncan is Dead from Royal Shakespeare Company)
Work Due: Have read Act 2.2
Assignment: Read 2.3 in No Fear Macbeth for class time tomorrow, Act 2.2 Assignment (Lvl 2 Duncan is Dead from Royal Shakespeare Company) due Thursday
Wednesday, November 6
What you need today: Macbeth book, pen, paper, highlighter
Prayer: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen
Bell Ringer: Pick up document from front table when you come in. Complete the graphic organizer.
View Act 2.3
Finish last section of graphic organizer comparing Macbeth to Lady Macbeth
Review and discuss The Porter Scene completing all of the sections.
Work Due: Have read 2.3 in No Fear Macbeth for class time
Assignment: Finish The Porter Scene for Friday, Don't forget Act 2.2 Assignment (Lvl 2 Duncan is Dead from Royal Shakespeare Company) for tomorrow
Thursday, November 7
Prayer: Grant, o merciful God, that I may ardently desire, prudently examine, truthfully acknowledge, and perfectly accomplish what is pleasing to Thee for the praise and glory of Thy name. Amen.
Work Due: Act 2.2 Assignment (Lvl 2 Duncan is Dead from Royal Shakespeare Company) PRINTED
Assignment: The Porter Scene for Friday
Friday, November 8
What you need today: Pen, Questions from Thursday
Prayer: Grant, o merciful God, that I may ardently desire, prudently examine, truthfully acknowledge, and perfectly accomplish what is pleasing to Thee for the praise and glory of Thy name. Amen.
Viewing Guide for documentary (turn in)
Reading time Act 2.4
Work Due: The Porter Scene
Assignment: Read Act 2.4 for Monday from No Fear Macbeth
Week 13: Monday, November 11 - Friday, November 15
Monday, November 11
What you need today: pen, paper, character graphic organizer
Prayer: May the courage of Oscar Romero inspire us to work with integrity for an end to violence and poverty. Amen.
Bell Ringer: Take out a sheet of paper and answer the following questions:
Describe the role of Lady Macbeth in ACT II. Do her actions reflect the roles of women in the 11th century Scotland? Explain.
Provide your opinion on Macbeth’s character so far. Do you feel his hallucinations represent his deep- rooted guilt over his actions? Or, do the hallucinations represent a truly flawed character?
Things to notice when viewing
View Act 2.3-4
Work Due: Read Act 2.4 from No Fear Macbeth
Assignment: Read Act 3.1-2 from No Fear Macbeth
Tuesday, November 12
Prayer: May the courage of Oscar Romero inspire us to work with integrity for an end to violence and poverty. Amen.
Bell Ringer: Open Chromebook to Gimkit.com/join to Review of Act 1 and 2 of Macbeth
Things to notice when viewing
View 3.1-3.2
Read 3.3-3.4in class together
Work Due: Read Act 3.1-2 from No Fear Macbeth
Assignment: Review Act 3.3-3.4 from No Fear Macbeth to be sure you understand what we read in class.
Wednesday, November 13
What you need today:
Prayer: May the courage of Oscar Romero inspire us to work with integrity for an end to violence and poverty. Amen.
Bell Ringer: Take your bell ringer from the front table from Monday. Draw a line. Under the line add today's date and respond to the following question. Who would you have play the third murderer? Would it make sense to have one of the existing lords that would know about the court, or another inconspicuous-servant type character? Explain your preference. What benefit would it be to cast a lord? What concern might it pose if it were a lord, or a servant? When you are done, preview Act 3.5-6 in your No Fear book.
Things to notice when viewing
View 3.3-3.6
Start comic strip in small groups
3.3 (Murderers, Banquo, Fleance) 3-4 boxes
3.4 (Banquet scene with Ghost Banquo) 4-5 boxes
3.5 (Hecate and witches) 1-2 boxes
3.6 (Lennox and Lord) 2-3 boxes
Demonstrate understanding of the events that transpired in the scenes. Stick figures are fine if you can really show what you understand with your words.
Discussion Questions for Act 3 in small groups. Turn in group document to Google Classroom. Be sure all group member names are on the top of the document.
Work Due: Act 3.3-4 from No Fear Macbeth
Assignment: Read Act 3.4-6 from No Fear Macbeth
Thursday, November 14
What you need today: pen, Macbeth book
Prayer: Our Father
Bell Ringer: None.
Finish Group Work:
Start comic strip in small groups
3.3 (Murderers, Banquo, Fleance) 3-4 boxes
3.4 (Banquet scene with Ghost Banquo) 4-5 boxes
3.5 (Hecate and witches) 1-2 boxes
3.6 (Lennox and Lord) 2-3 boxes
Demonstrate understanding of the events that transpired in the scenes. Stick figures are fine if you can really show what you understand with your words.
Discussion Questions for Act 3 in small groups. Turn in group document to Google Classroom. Be sure all group member names are on the top of the document.
Work Due: Nothing due
Assignment: Read Act 4.1 from No Fear Macbeth
Friday, November 15
What you need today: pen, highlighter
Prayer: Glory Be
Bell Ringer: On your bell ringer from by the door. Draw a line, add today's date and write down your response. Consider making a potion that would make your (right now) most desired outcome happen--what kinds of things might be included in the "potion." Consider what the witches included (partial list): poisoned entrails, snake flesh, wool of bat and tongue of dog, adder's (snake) forked tongue, stinger of a burrowing worm, lizard's leg, wing of a small owl, scale of a dragon, wolf's tooth, mummified flesh of a witch, root of hemlock (poisonous plant), liver of a blaspheming Jew, finger of a dead prostitutes' dead baby, baboon's blood How might the items they included lead to the purpose they have started? They had dark purposes, so these items are "dark"... What is your desire, what kinds of items might you need?
View 4.1
Analyze: Macbeth returns to the witches to ask about his future. They comply with his wishes and present a series of apparitions. Think about what the apparition looks like, what Macbeth says in reaction to it. Analyze what his interpretation is and look for the hidden meaning behind the language that he may fail to see.
Discuss and explore: What three things does Macbeth learn? How might these things be truth and also misunderstood?
Prophesy 1--actual prophesy, no riddle present
Prophesy 2--How does this information at the link help you to understand how the prophesy may be a riddle?
Prophesy 3--How does this video at the link help you understand how the prophesy may be a riddle?
Work Due: Have read 4.1 from No Fear Macbeth
Assignment: Read Act 4.2-4.3 from No Fear Macbeth
Week 14: Monday, November 18 - Friday, November 22
Monday, November 18
What you need today:
Prayer: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen
Bell Ringer: Read the link about imagery in Macbeth. Write down the main idea from each section: Blood, Sleep, Clothing, and Birds & Nature
View 4.2-4.3
Work Due: Have read Act 4.2-4.3 in No Fear Macbeth
Assignment: Read Act 5.1-4 from No Fear Macbeth
Tuesday, November 19
What you need today: pen, highlighter
Prayer: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen
Bell Ringer: Take notes on motif from this video.
View 5.1-4
Reading time for 5.6-5.8
Work Due: Have read 5.1-4 in No Fear Macbeth
Assignment: Read Act 5.5 in No Fear Macbeth
Wednesday, November 20
What you need today: pen, highlighter
Prayer: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen
Bell Ringer: On a sheet of paper, write down the response to this question: How do the ideas from the previous two bell ringers relate ("images" and motif)?
Sleepwalking sheet: Theme and Thesis
View Act 5.5
Complete the EdPuzzle (found through Google Classroom) of the "Tomorrow Soliloquy" analysis from RSC with Ian McKellen
Work Due: Read Act 5.5 in No Fear Macbeth
Assignment: Read Act 5.6-end from No Fear Macbeth; EdPuzzle due Thursday, end of school day
Thursday, November 21
Prayer: Hail Mary
Bell Ringer: None
View Act 5.6-end (about 20 minutes)
Work time on EdPuzzle or other tasks.
Work Due: Read Act 5.6-end in No Fear Macbeth
Assignment: No assignment
Friday, November 22
Prayer: Glory Be
Pick up the viewing Guide for Macbeth
View the first section of The Tragedy of Macbeth
If you are absent, SEE Ms. Greene IMMEDIATELY for options
Work Due: Nothing due
Assignment: Complete the questions that relate to what you viewed today.
Week 15: Monday, November 25 - Friday, November 29
Monday, November 25
What you need today: Viewing Guide from Friday
View the second section of The Tragedy of Macbeth
If you are absent, SEE Ms. Greene IMMEDIATELY for options
Work Due: None
Assignment: Complete questions from what was viewed today
Tuesday, November 26
What you need today: Macbeth Viewing Guide
View the last section of The Tragedy of Macbeth
If you are absent, SEE Ms. Greene IMMEDIATELY for options
Work Due: Complete document
Assignment: Complete the viewing guide.
Wednesday, November 27 No School
Thursday, November 28 No School
Friday, November 29 No School
Week 16: Monday, December 2 - Friday, December 6
Monday, December 2
What you need today:
Bell Ringer: On a sheet of paper, write down all of the topics that Macbeth covers. Write a theme statement for each.
Practice with Pixar Shorts
View "Bao" (Pixar Short--available on Disney+ for subscribers/pay to watch on YouTube/ on Pixar Shorts Volume 3) and discuss the questions on the theme sheet. Write answers for the numbered questions.
View "Lou" (Pixar Short--available on Disney+ for subscribers/pay to watch on YouTube/ on Pixar Shorts Volume 3). Complete the first row of the chart on the back of the theme sheet.
View "Piper" (Pixar Short--available on Disney+ for subscribers/pay to watch on YouTube/ on Pixar Shorts Volume 3). Complete the second row of the chart on the back of the theme sheet, as needed
View "Partly Cloudy" (Pixar Short--available on Disney+ for subscribers/pay to watch on YouTube/ on Pixar Shorts Volume 2). Complete the third row of the chart on the back of the theme sheet.
Work Due: None
Assignment: Write a theme statement for Macbeth before class time tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 3
What you need today: pen, highlighter
Bell Ringer: Share your theme statements will the person next to you. Discuss how you both came up with what you had for each.
Review theme statements for Macbeth
Write a thesis statement and start outlining
Work Due: Theme statement for Macbeth
Assignment: Outline your essay for the Macbeth paper and bring it to class ready for checking.
Wednesday, December 4
What you need today: pen, Chromebook (open to Bell Ringer)
Bell Ringer: Put your outline on my front table. Get out a red, green, purple, or pink pen. Also get out a GREEN/BLUE and PINK/ORANGE Highlighter
Highlight the parts of the outline
green or blue for Yes/ Good
pink or orange for No/ Needs Work
If you highlight in pink/ orange, provide feedback to let them know what they are missing or need to do differently to have been a "yes" or "good"
Review the outline you are given:
Does the thesis answer the prompt?
Does each topic sentences make sense based on the thesis statement?
Does each example/ evidence make sense under the topic sentence it is under?
Does each example/ evidence help to prove the overall thesis statement?
Which body paragraph do you think is the author's strongest? Write two or three sentences explaining why you think that would be the best one for them to expand into their MEAL paragraph for submission.
Work Due: Printed Outline
Assignment: Write MEAL paragraph for class time tomorrow. Come with PRINTED draft.
Thursday, December 5
What you need today: Printed draft out MEAL paragraph
Bell Ringer: Place PRINTED draft of MEAL paragraph on the front table.
What is and how do I use Draft Coach?
Instructions for Peer Revising and Editing
Work Time:
Peer Revising, use checklist at the link to review the MEAL and Transitions area of the paragraph. Score those aspects of the rubric. Return to writer.
SPECIAL NOTE: Your topic sentence should not be your thesis. You are already mentioning the title of the film/ play in your thesis. You do not need to mention it again in your topic sentence(s). You are also addressing the entire theme statement in your thesis, so you only need to reference it (whole) if it is relevant. You can probably get away with mentioning the specific aspect of the theme that the element you are arguing is actually affecting.
Make corrections to MEAL and transitions. SHARE with COMMENTING access to your reviewer.
Peer Editing use checklist at the link to review the MUGS, Formal Academic Writing & Style, and MLA sections. Score those aspects of the rubric. Return to writer.
Make corrections, use Turnitin Draft Coach on Google Docs (extension) to check for plagiarism and grammar issues.
Work Due: Printed Draft of MEAL paragraph
Assignment: Final Drafts of Outline and MEAL paragraph due by 3:05 Friday to Google Classroom and Turnitin.com, submit self scored rubric stapled on top of peer scored rubric for MEAL paragraph into the bin.
Friday, December 6
What you need today: pen, highlighter
Final editing and corrections
EVEN if you have already submitted, go through and check your MLA formatting. About half of the 25 papers submitted by 8:45AM were NOT getting the MLA formatting points.
Work Due: Final Drafts of Outline and MEAL paragraph due by 3:05 Friday
Outline-->Google Classroom
MEAL Paragraph--> Google Classroom and Turnitin.com
Rubrics (self scored on top/ peer scored underneath)--> bin
Assignment: Nothing assigned
Week 17: Monday, December 9 - Friday, December 13
Monday, December 9
You may use your Macbeth book today to write the in class essay. At the end of the hour, you can neatly stack your book on the front table.
In a google doc, respond to the following prompt. You have the class period to write. Upload your finished document to Google Classroom. Know that you should not have any large chunks of text copied or pasted into the document. If you are absent today, you still need to do this. Spend no more than one class period of time on it.
In Class ESSAY Prompt: Commentators have pointed out that three forces are at work to destroy Macbeth: flaws in his own character, the force of evil or the Devil as represented by the Three Weird Sisters, and Lady Macbeth. Select the force which you think was most responsible for his downfall and show how that force was predominant. You may wish to note that the other forces existed, but you should concentrate on proving that the one you select was the major one.
Remember what we learned about write a theme statement, a thesis statement, and MEAL paragraphs. I know that you have limited time, so my expectations will be tempered.
Work Due: In class essay by the end of class
Assignment: No assignment
Tuesday, December 10
Prayer: Hail Mary
Work Due: Nothing due
Assignment: No assignment
Wednesday, December 11
Prayer: Our Father
Work Due: Nothing due
Assignment: No assignment
Thursday, December 12
Prayer: Hail Mary
Finish Lenses Notes
Quizziz practice and review of notes
Work Due: Nothing due
Assignment: Review lenses notes or Quizziz about the notes
Friday, December 13
Prayer: St. Thomas Aquinas Prayer
Quizziz review
Work Due: Have reviewed or practiced lenses
Assignment: Study lenses. There may be a quiz next week.
Week 18: Monday, December 16 - Friday, December 20
Monday, December 16
What you need today: Pen, Notes from last week
Presentations from groups on Where the Wild Things Are
"Baby It's Cold Outside" Original Version (from Neptune's Daughter)
Cat/ Mouse
Concerning Lyrics
How do the choices of performance (Elf, Shower scene) change the interpretation of the audience? How is this similar to what you analyzed with the Macbeth film?
4. Read the article from Time Magazine that uses the historical-cultural lens.
Work Due: Study Lenses
Assignment: Read for class time the article using the historical-cultural lens
Tuesday, December 17
What you need today: Pen, Notes from last week
Bell Ringer: Open Google Classroom for a reading quiz on the article assigned to be read for today's class.
Discuss the historical-cultural lens based on the article you read last night.
John Legend interview on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
John Legend and Kelly Clarkson Update
What is satire?
Find the satirical/ humorous lyrics
Compare the "mouse lines" from both
Reader Response Lens
What was your first response? Liked it or disliked it? Explain your thoughts.
What did it make you think about?
What personal connection(s) did you make? Who or what does the poem remind you of?
Why do you think the author wrote it? (What do you think the poet was thinking?)
What mood did the song leave you in? Describe how you felt after reading it in one or two BIG words.
Start Now You Try:
Look at the original version using the psychological lens. Can you identify id, ego, superego in the song for each voice?
Can you analyze the song using the archetypal, formalist, or Marxist lenses? Why or why not.
In groups of NO MORE THAN 4:
Choose one version of the song and write lyrics in the first column.
First, using the psychological lens. Can you identify id, ego, superego in the lyric. What does this view help one to understand?
Then complete the next two columns using the archetypal & formalist lenses. What understandings come from the use of these lenses?
Work Due: Have read the Time article that used the historical-cultural lens
Assignment: No assignment
Wednesday, December 18
What you need today: Pen, Notes from last week
Read article using the gender/feminist lens. Discuss the ideas from the article as presented on the bottom of the article.
What are your thought of this version from Glee?
Work time on Now You Try:
Look at the original version using the psychological lens. Can you identify id, ego, superego in the song for each voice?
Can you analyze the song using the archetypal, formalist, or Marxist lenses? Why or why not.
In groups of NO MORE THAN 4:
Choose one version of the song and write lyrics in the first column.
First, using the psychological lens. Can you identify id, ego, superego in the lyric. What does this view help one to understand?
Then complete the next two columns using the archetypal & formalist lenses. What understandings come from the use of these lenses?
Work Due: Nothing
Assignment: Complete the graphic organizer if not finished in class today
Thursday, December 19
What you need today: Pen for notes
Read "The Sniper"
Discuss use of lenses on "The Sniper"
Read Critical Analysis using historical lens from a college freshman on "The Sniper" for class time tomorrow.
Work Due: "Baby Its Cold Outside" graphic organizer (if not checked off yesterday)
Assignment: Read Critical Analysis using historical lens from a college freshman on "The Sniper" for class time tomorrow. Note on assignment--be sure that you observe the changes made between drafts and that you read the PROCESS MEMO at the end.
Friday, December 20 Golden Mass Day
Discussion on the use of lenses and the process of revision.
Work Due: Read Critical Analysis using historical lens from a college freshman on "The Sniper" for class time. Note on assignment--be sure that you observe the changes made between drafts and that you read the PROCESS MEMO at the end.
Week 19: Monday, January 1 - Friday, January 3
Monday, December 30
No School
Tuesday, December 31
No School
Wednesday, January 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
No School
Thursday, January 2
What you need today: Pen, Lenses Notes
Bell Ringer: Schedule time to make up missing quiz (if you missed it)
The Tragedy of Macbeth (Returned to you in Google Classroom.)
Revision option:
You may revise up to two sections on the rubric AFTER meeting with me to discuss errors and a plan.
Revisions must be complete by Tuesday, January 9 by the end of the school day.
Revisions need to include a one FULL page typed reflective document explaining what went wrong in those sections and how in the future you will prevent those errors from occurring in your writing.
Your revised document MUST be printed and all corrections MUST be highlighted (with a highlighter, not a crayon, colored pencil, or marker).
Submit Comments/Rubric (Top), Printed Reflective Document (middle), New highlighted draft (bottom) PAPERCLIPPED together. NO STAPLES.
Review Critical Analysis using historical lens from a college freshman on "The Sniper"
Introduction information about James Joyce, stream-of-consciousness, and "Araby"
Take some notes:
Who is James Joyce?
What movement of writing did he primarily work in?
What historical events and factors influenced his life during this time period and writing movement?
What other works have you read are part of this literary movement? (Click on the link and read about the style from the previous question)
What is stream-of-consciousness?
Read "Araby"
Discuss questions on page 511 of text with group
Start to analyze using lenses, if time permits
Work Due: Submit "Sniper" lenses from before break
Assignment: FINISH reading "Araby." If you forgot about "Sniper," finish for tomorrow.
Friday, January 3
What you need today: Pen, Lenses Notes
Final Exam: What does it look like? How can I prepare?
I am going to be absent, what should I do?
Do we get to pick our groups?
How much is the exam worth, again?
What if we don't finish?
Discussion questions on page 511 of text
Use lenses on "Araby"
Work Due: Have finished reading "Araby" Don't forget to turn in "Sniper" lenses assignment from before break.
Assignment: Reread "Araby" and review lenses
Week 20: Monday, January 6 - Friday, January 10
Monday, January 6
What you need today: Pen, Lenses Notes
Bell Ringer: Review for Quiz on lenses, open to Quizlet.live
Review "Araby," finish discussing guide from 504 and handout.
Read "Eveline" discuss questions on sheet provided in class.
Work Due: Have finished reading "Araby" and considering the ideas mentioned on page 511 of text.
Assignment: Finished reading "Eveline" and consider the questions on the back of the sheet.
Tuesday, January 7
What you need today: Pen, Notes from last week, Chromebook open to here or the "Eveline" story
Bell Ringer: Quiz Lenses on Google Classroom
No Fear Shakespeare Macbeth books in decent shape that belong to you, can be turned in for five points of extra credit by the end of your finals period. Write your name in the front cover.
NOTE: I want your group to discuss what you think, apply the lenses to the best of your ability, struggle through. Looking up on the internet and what someone else thinks does not help to increase your critical or creative thinking skills, which is a major goal of a literature and writing course!
Consider "Eveline" with lenses.
Discuss "Eveline" with groups
Continue Group work on "Araby" and "Eveline" lenses activity
Work Due: Finished reading "Eveline" and responding to questions 1-3, 9-11, 15-16
Assignment: None
Work Due: Revisions to paper. Description of process is found under the agenda from last week Thursday.
Wednesday, January 8
What you need today:
Final Exams Periods 1-3
Need assistance? I have prep period 1.
Thursday, January 9
What you need today:
Final Exams Periods 4-6
Need assistance? I have study hall 4th, so I can see you in there!
Friday, January 10
What you need today:
Final Exams Periods 7-8 and Makeup
Need assistance? See me during the make-up period.