
The Aqua Insight Team are experts at managing and interpreting hydrogeologic data to gain insights for our clients. The technology we employ typically falls into the following categories:

  • Database - whether starting from a well managed database, or a series of PDF and spreadsheet resources, our team routinely pulls data into relational database tools to facilitate employing custom data analysis and mapping tools. This is an essential step to ensure we can capitalize on the investment our clients make in collecting detailed data.

  • GIS - our team has expertise in the application of industry standard GIS tools to analyze 3-D spatial and time-varying data. Such 4-D analyses are often necessary to extract the true value that available data can display.

  • 3D Visualization - our team uses industry standard and custom tools to visualize site data and bring a conceptual site model (CSM) to life.

  • Numerical Modelling - our team employs FEFLOW and MODFLOW to refine the understanding gained through a CSM and provide a view to future conditions. Simulations include uncertainty analyses to provide our clients with the information required to make informed decisions.