Welcome to the Writing & Tutoring Centers!



Marshburn Library, Room 134

Monday – Thursday | 10 am – 5 pm PST

Friday | 10 am – 4 pm PST


Segerstrom, Room 170

Not Available During Summer


Saturday | 8 am - 12 pm PST


(626) 815 - 6120

 Email or G chat | tutoringcenter@apu.edu
Email or G chat | writingcenter@apu.edu

Instagram | @apu_wtc


What courses can I get help in? 

Click HERE to see our list of currently available courses. 

How do I make an appointment?

Click HERE for step-by-step instructions on how to schedule a one-on-one tutoring appointment. 

What do I do if there is no tutoring for my class? 

You can fill out our Tutoring Course Request Form. We will do our best to match you with a tutor. 

What is Drop-In Tutoring?

Drop-in tutoring is a one-hour, once-a-week, open invite remote tutoring session in which students may come and go as needed. Find the weekly schedule here. To join a session, simply go to the listed location at the appropriate time.

Do I need an appointment for Drop-In Tutoring?

No, you do not need an appointment for Drop-In Tutoring. Click HERE to see the courses for which Drop-In Tutoring is available and to see the calendar with the corresponding locations. 

How much does tutoring cost?

Tutoring is 100% free to all APU students. 

Where does tutoring take place?

We offer in-person and virtual appointments. 

Our in-person appointments take place at one of our three on-campus locations: 

Our online appointments take place on Zoom through TutorTrac and utilizes features like whiteboard, video, audio, screen share, file share, and more. 

How many appointments can I schedule for each class?

You can schedule up to two appointments per subject per week

How often can I meet with my tutor? 

You may schedule up to two appointments with the same tutor per week. (This applies to appointment tutoring only, not drop-in tutoring).

Can I sign up for two tutoring sessions back-to-back?

We discourage you from booking appointments back to back. Please limit yourself to one appointment per day

Can I sign up for tutoring in a course that I'm not taking?

No, at this time you are only eligible to sign up for tutoring in a course if you are currently enrolled in that course. If you do not see the course that you need tutoring for, please complete THIS FORM to request tutoring for the appropriate course. 

How far in advance do I have to schedule an appointment?

Students must schedule an appointment at least 1 hour in advance of the appointment time. 

What do I do if I can't make my appointment?

What should I bring/prepare for a tutoring session? 

When you schedule your session, include a note for your tutor about what you want to work on. Come prepared with your books, notes, and any other study materials that you need. For certain classes, calculators, scratch paper, etc. may be helpful. 

What is expected of me during my appointment? 

Students are expected to abide by the APU Student Handbook and to follow good internet etiquette. Violations of these may result in cancelled appointments or blocked access to the appointment or tutoring system.

Can I contact my tutor outside of my appointment time?

Students may not contact their tutors outside of scheduled appointments or drop-in times. Students may not contact their tutors at their personal email accounts. Doing so may result in scheduling restrictions.  Tutors may not tutor any directly affiliated APU students outside of approved times and offices. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Tutoring Center instead. You can call, text or email us.