How to Schedule an Appointment


Picture of the log in page of
  1. Please download Firefox or Google Chrome browser to use TutorTrac.

  2. Right-click this link and open in a new tab: TutorTrac (

  3. Log in with your APU ID username (jdoe21) and password.

  4. Click “Search Availability” on the left side of the screen.

  5. Using the Center drop-down option, select “Tutoring Center" or "Writing Center."

  6. Using the Section drop-down option,

    1. If you're looking for tutoring, select the course.

    2. If you're looking for writing support, select "Writing Center [your academic level]."

    3. If you're a military-connected student, select "WC Military-Connected Students"

    4. If you're looking for speaking support, select "WC Speaking Center."

  7. Using the Location drop-down option, select your preferred location.

  8. You do not need to change the days and times, they’re automatically set.

  9. Click "Search."

  10. The new web page will show available tutors or coaches and times. Click on the one that works best for you. (If you do not see any or sufficient availability, try changing the location and searching again. Availability may vary by location).

  11. Select “one-on-one tutoring” for reason (required).

  12. Enter contact info (required).

  13. In the Notes section, in a sentence describe what you want to work on with your tutor or coach.

  14. Click “Save.”

  15. You will receive a confirmation email when you have booked successfully.

Female student making an appointment on her laptop.

Video tutorial on how to schedule a tutoring appointment

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