

Hi, my name is Sandra Bakhit, and I have been a tutor at APU for 2 semesters. I tutor mostly biology and anatomy courses. My favorite class is probably Mammalian Physiology because I always get amazed by how our body works. I also just added a psychology minor and have been enjoying all the psyc classes because they are so interesting and I always learn so much in them. My favorite so far is Abnormal Psychology.

In my free time, I like spending time with friends and family. I also like being outside so I enjoy hiking, camping, and the beach.

I enjoy being a tutor because I want to be there and help other students in the same way other students have helped me when I was struggling in my classes. Tutoring is also a great way for me to review and remember all what I learned before.

I’m looking forward to meeting you and helping you with anything!


Hi, my name is Sam, I have been a tutor at APU for 2 semesters. I tutor Chemistry, Physics, Physiology, and College Algebra. My favorite class is Physics because all the laws in Physics help us to have a better understanding of the effects of gravity on every organism.

In my free time, I usually read interesting books or hiking. Also, I like searching for a good hiking spot.

I enjoy being a tutor because I love sharing my knowledge with others. Every person has different skills for learning. I always use pictures or charts to conceptualize any new materials. Tutoring sessions always helped me to have more chances to share knowledge.

Welcome to Tutoring Center and let’s have fun dissecting Math, Chem, and some Bio!


Hi, my name is Rebecca Byer, I have been a tutor for the last year. I am a senior nursing major and because of this I love to tutor nursing and prerequisite courses for the nursing program! My favorite class to tutor is UNRS 212 because the course covers material on the majority of general nursing concepts and illnesses.

In my free time, I love to stay active! Some of my favorite activities include hiking, going to the beach with friends, and talking my dogs on walks!

I enjoy being a tutor because I love helping others! Through being a tutor, I am able to help others in the same way that I have been helped over the years!

I look forward to meeting you and helping you in achieving your academic goals for the semester!


Hi, my name is Aubrie Cok (pronounced “Coke”), and I have been a tutor for the last year. (Well I was an SI leader for a full year and tutored over the summer actually, so 3 semesters total). I tutor nursing and pre-nursing classes. My favorite class is CHEM 123 because I clicked with the material super well and loved being the SI leader for the class. Overall, I love science and learning the different ways our body reacts to our environment!

In my free time, I love spending time with people. I am with my family and close friends the most, but quite often, when I need a little alone-time, enjoy going on hikes in the mountains!

I enjoy being a tutor because it helps remind me of the materials I study and I am so passionate about understanding the human body!


Hi guys! My name is Natalie Crouse. I have been a tutor for 4 semester(s). This semester I will be doing drop-in tutoring for Microbiology. My favorite class I have taken is Physiology because I believe it is so interesting how the body functions. It is truly fascinating to learn how hard our bodies work to keep us going and most of the time we don’t even realize it!

In my free time, I love to spend time outdoors doing activities such as running, hiking, biking, swimming, camping, reading, etc.

I enjoy being a tutor because learning is something I am very passionate about and I love sharing that with students. There are countless ways to learn, and the good news is, you can make it fun and enjoyable. As a tutor, I get to see students grow and succeed in their learning, all while finding ways to enjoy it!

Perception and positive mindset on your ability to learn and be successful goes a long way. Anyone can master any subject if they put in the work, don't doubt yourself! :)


Hi, my name is Kierra DeShon, I have been tutoring nursing courses for 3 semesters. My favorite class is any psychology course because it is such a fascinating subject!

In my free time, I like to longboard, hike, and drink inordinate amounts of coffee : )

I enjoy being a tutor because I get to help students in the same way that older students have helped me throughout the nursing program.

I hope to work with you soon!


Hi, my name is Kayla Garcia, I have been a tutor for biology and nursing for the last 3 semesters. My favorite class is urban health because I loved public health and seeing the bigger picture of healthcare.

In my free time, I like to hike, read, and find new places to eat.

I enjoy being a tutor because I am passionate about learning and want to pass down the skills and knowledge that others have given me.

I’m excited to meet you and look forward to being a part of your learning journey!


Hello! My name is David Gonzalez and I have been a tutor for 2 semesters. I tutor various music courses including Fundamentals, Theory I-IV, Intro to Music Tech, Arranging I, Intermediate Logic Pro, as well as the Baroque and Commercial Music History/Literature classes. My favorite class is Music Theory because I love learning about all of the inner workings of music.

In my free time, I...do more music! I also enjoy gaming, hiking, and watching anime.

I enjoy being a tutor because I love the “breakthrough” moments where students fully grasp concepts that they’ve previously struggled with.

I’m looking forward to nerding out with you about music!


Hi, my name is Katelyn Hofilena! I have been tutoring for 5 semesters. I tutor Human Anatomy, nursing courses, and General Microbiology. My favorite class is probably Anatomy because I’m always impressed and grateful for what the body can do.

In my free time, I love reading, drawing, cooking, researching random topics, listening to many music genres, and curating too many Spotify playlists.

I enjoy being a tutor because I love learning and helping others learn. I love recognizing the unique strengths/skills in others, and supporting others in their growth.

I look forward to supporting you in your academic journey and cheering you on!


Hi, my name is Andrew Hughes, I have been a tutor for six semester(s). I tutor math, statistics, finance, introductory accounting, and philosophy. My favorite class is Applied Linear Algebra because the material was interesting and taught by a great professor.

In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my friends, reading, playing basketball, and watching TV.

I enjoy being a tutor because I like helping others solve problems.

I’m excited to get to know you and help you with your academic endeavors!


Hi, my name is Emma, I have been a tutor for 3 semesters. I tutor statistics and psychology courses. My favorite class was my family psychology class. By the end of the class, I was able to see how everything I learned applied to my family and the families around me. It gave me a new appreciation for the role family plays in our lives.

In my free time, I like to read, especially mysteries. I grew up reading a lot of Nancy Drew. I also like to draw and paint, when I have the time.

I enjoy being a tutor because I like helping people succeed.

I look forward to meeting you!


Hi, my name is Kyra Knox and I am a senior Kinesiology major. I have been a tutor for the past 2 semesters. I tutor Kinesiology and Biblical Studies courses. My favorite class is Kinesiology (KIN 364) because I love learning about the muscles that produce the different movements we make!

In my free time, I love to be outside, rock climb, run, and bake!

I enjoy being a tutor because I love to learn and enjoy encouraging others to their best capabilities!

I cannot wait to work with you and support you best :)


Hi! My name is Jonathan Nicolas, and I have been a tutor for the past two semesters, focusing mainly on General Chemistry and Biology. My favorite class is chemistry, because I think its combination of theory, physical science, and mathematics is fascinating!

In my free time, I enjoy hiking, guitar, playing basketball, and gaming!

I enjoy being a tutor because I love helping people out, and I enjoy helping students understand concepts that were perhaps previously difficult! A lot of the subjects I tutor appear harder than they actually are, and I enjoy demonstrating how easy and fun they can be when applied properly!

Looking forward to working with you guys!


Hi, my name is Nayree Panossian, and I’m a junior Chemistry and Honors Humanities double major. I have been a tutor for the past three semesters, and I currently tutor General Chemistry 1 and Organic Chemistry 1 and 2. Organic chemistry is probably my favorite class because there’s absolutely no math involved!

In my free time, I enjoy reading captivating books and sketching arbitrary objects or animals every once in a while. Staying physically active is also a must for me because health is wealth!

I absolutely love helping students out whenever they need it, which is why I love tutoring.

I am looking forward to this semester with you and excited to help you improve in your chemistry courses!


Hey! My name is Annelise, I have been a tutor for 5 semesters. I tutor lower/upper-level biology and chemistry courses. My favorite class is Microbiology because I am fascinated by the immune system and the various diseases the body can fight off.

In my free time, I play the piano, exercise, and hang out with my friends.

I enjoy being a tutor because I love sharing what I have learned with other people! Seeing people succeed, learn, and grow brings me happiness.

I can’t wait to meet you and help you on your academic journey!


Hi, my name is Daryl Thomas, I have been a tutor for 6 semesters. I tutor BIOL 250 and 251, CHEM 123, and UNRS 105, 113, 212, 220, 260, 299, 306, 310, 312, 313, 367, 382, 384, 402, 403, 404, and 425. My favorite class is pathophysiology because I love how the material in this class sets the foundation for every specialty in nursing and can save lives more than people know.

In my free time, my absolute favorite thing to do is worship. Otherwise, I love to read, obsess over puzzles, and stay active in any way I can, especially walking, running, kayaking, and SUPing.

I enjoy being a tutor because I know what it’s like to struggle academically, and I’m a huge believer that, if even I can do it, anybody can be successful in their classes. I am passionate that tutoring is about not just the material you study, but also learning how you study.

Can’t wait to meet you!


Hi my name is Abigail Zoccola, and I am a nursing major in my senior year! I have been a tutor for 3 semesters. I tutor pre-nursing and nursing courses. My favorite class is physiology because I am fascinated by how the body works, and by how much we are able to discover!

In my free time, I enjoy playing guitar, singing, hiking, and reading.

I enjoy being a tutor because I love to learn and to help others learn! I have been blessed by the relationships I have made through tutoring.