Painting and Drawing

Painting and Drawing Description

In these courses, students will focus on the principles and elements of art and design through an investigation of the history and techniques of painting and drawing.

In light of our current situation, the painting and drawing materials requirements will be eased as we find ways to get tools and materials to students' homes. Additionally, students will be challenged to make work that reflects the world of today and their experience of it. Painting and Drawing students are asked to develop complex visual ideas as part of a dialog with other students and to the greater arts community outside of our room and homes.

That said, students will focus and develop the basic perceptual skills needed to draw and paint forms in space as well as how to create visual forms that relate to personal ideas and expression. We will cover the basic use of materials and techniques in both areas of painting and drawing through demos, Meets, and slide presentations. This class is taught through a synchronous and asynchronous format and students will be required to work both with me and on their own to complete our assignments.

Painting and Drawing courses are 1, 2, 3. Students interested in developing a unique portfolio often find their way into AP Studio Art.