
Newsela offers free (as part of our subscription) tutorials on the best way to use it with your class. Newsela is accessible for both teachers and students via Clever. We have purchased Newsela for Grades 5-12. Elementary grades may use Newsela Lite. 


Teachers have to choose to use either Google Classroom or Clever with Newsela; Google Classroom and Clever don't integrate with each other, but are both available to use.

If the teacher logged in via Clever but the students are all logged in via Google Classroom, it would mean that the   Clever assignments  would not be shared with them.

If you are having difficulty, the teacher will need to log out and then log in via Google Classroom to sync her class and share assignments to her students.

All students must log in through the same integration as their teacher. If  the teacher needs to share with their students via Google Classroom, they will need to log in via that integration and have their students do the same.

The first step will be to make sure all of your students have logged out, and then have them log in via Clever. As long as they and their teacher have logged in via Clever, they should see everything their teacher assigns." 

NOTE: We have also purchased the Social Studies add on for Newsela.

BTS Newsela Scavenger Hunt.pdf

Newsela Certified Educator Course

Lock Student's Reading Level so they cannot change it

The Teacher Binder

Educators need accessible resources that reflect students' interests and experiences and help them to better understand the world around them. Newsela takes authentic content from the world's most trusted providers and turns it into classroom ready learning materials.

Current educational structures and materials must support instruction and student engagement across hybrid learning environments. Newsela connects classrooms to content and teaching resources to flexibly support teaching and learning in and outside of the classroom.

The background knowledge a student brings to a reading has a significant impact on their engagement and comprehension. Newsela Essentials helps teachers scaffold learning with leveled texts and build student understanding of a topic across multiple sources.

Learning occurs when students are engaged, and students are more likely to engage when content makes a real world connection to their lives or interests. Newsela Essentials offers texts on a range of interests and lived experiences of students across the country and world.

Humanities instruction encourages the development of empathy and helps us to better understand the human condition. Newsela Essentials encourages learners to explore the experiences of others and allows educators to guide them in making sense of our world.

Discussing tough topics in the classrooms helps students work across lines of difference to foster learning and develop advocacy skills for themselves and others. Newsela Essentials publishes real world content that supports teachers in their efforts to teach complex and challenging topics.

Real world reading requires students to sift through and analyze multiple sources while identifying common themes and considering contrasting information. Newsela ELA provides content across an array of genres, with instructional resources to help students make meaning.

Culturally relevant pedagogy is supported by instructional resources that unpack and discuss ways to examine identities. Newsela ELA connects educators and students to Windows and Mirrors content to support them in understanding, representing, and reflecting on identity.

Writing is a critical way to make meaning and communicate with others. Newsela ELA includes projects and lessons to help students develop their writing skills, capitalizing on robust content for mentor texts and tools to foster analysis and response practice.

Word awareness and language development are most effective when vocabulary is taught in context. Newsela ELA supports vocabulary instruction with content and features that scaffold unknown words, foster Tier 2 vocabulary practice, and build a love of language.

Inquiry based learning promotes student engagement and development of historical and critical thinking skills. Newsela Social Studies enables teachers to facilitate student driven exploration of content and compelling questions in service of informed action.

Interpreting historic materials engages students in the work of historians as they question and draw conclusions. Newsela Social Studies connects teachers to materials that get students analyzing primary sources, collecting and synthesizing evidence, and making evidence based arguments.

Civic education strengthening our democratic society, preparing students to be informed citizens and future participants in civic life. Newsela Social Studies content and collections help teachers spark student civic engagement and community action.

Relevant Social Studies instruction occurs when educators make timely connections in their classroom instruction. Newsela Social Studies brings history to life through thematically grouped selections of historic and current events content that helps students link the past and present.

The ability to distinguish fake news and opinions from facts is an essential part of being an informed citizen. Newsela Social Studies arms educators with content and lesson resources to support students in critically analyzing and evaluating the information they consume.

Elementary science instruction capitalizes on student curiosity and progressively builds understanding of concepts and skills. Newsela Science helps elementary teachers maximize time with accessible resources that engage students in science learning and reinforce key reading skills.

Literacy plays an authentic role in scientists' work as they consult research, communicate findings, and engage in discourse. Newsela Science makes it easy for teachers to target ELA and scientific practices by incorporating diverse sources of information and evidence based argumentation.

Phenomena focused learning shifts science education to engage students in the process of figuring what is happening in the world that we need science to explain or solve. Newsela Science connects classrooms to real world phenomena that ground student learning and drive questioning.

Engaging students in the work of scientists and engineers allows them to see it's value and impact on the world. Newsela Science has content and instructional resources to support the development of science and engineering practices through hands on projects and performance tasks.

Webinar on Taking Informed Action-ELA

Webinar on Taking Informed Action - Social Studies