IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ - Camp Requirements & Information (Athletes)


None of the information given after the requirements will matter if your athlete does not meet the following three requirements:

1. Your athlete has run 100 miles, and has recorded evidence of this, from June 3rd - August 12th and has turned in her written training log on the first day of practice (August 12th). (Considerations can be made if there is an injury situation or the like, that has been discussed with me in advance, but athletes should try to run consistently over the summer, and should NOT try to cram a huge amount of miles in the last two weeks in order to make it to camp).

2. Your athlete has an up to date physical on file in the Athletic Office, at the latest, by August 12th by 7:30 a.m. FinalForms must be completed to participate in practices and meets (and camp).

3. Your athlete attended the first day of practice (August 12th)...unless excused by me prior to practice starting, but this is suboptimal. 

$120 per athlete. (Each additional athlete in the same household is $60).  If you are choosing to write a check, please make it out to TKHS.

More information about camp…

Critical ingredients for camp include…

A positive attitude, an open mind, and excitement for what you can do to better yourself and your team.

TIP: Bring what you need to be prepared for all weather conditions, but still remaining as minimal as possible.

Specific Items to Bring

Tent & Sleeping

CLOTHING (4 days & 6 workouts)






Particularly for new athletes and parents, here are some answers to some questions you might have about camp. However, please ask if you have more questions that I can answer and add to this list. This list is NOT in any order of importance. 

Tents and Such. Who will my athlete be tenting with?

With two adults and roughly “40” kids, you are way out numbered. Please explain how my kid is going to be safe? 

What is Pentwater like? Is it safe?

What about the situations when they are around water...especially Lake Michigan?

What about riding their bikes two miles to or from town?

It sounds like the kids have a lot of unsupervised time. Should I be concerned about this?

What about at night? 

What about sleeping arrangements, you do have a mixed gender camp after all.

What about people that are not part of your group that are at the campground?

What about mixed gender company during the day, etc?

What about showers and bathrooms?

What about when the girls are running? How safe is it there?

Do you have fires?

What do you do in the case of severe weather since you will be in tents?

What about food?

What if the cost is an issue because we already spent $3,999,999.00 on all the other camps this summer and our camp budget is tapped out?

What is the cost again?

Will there be a consequence to my athlete’s standing on the team if she does not attend?

What if I want a different perspective than yours about camp?

I would recommend you talk to parents and/or athletes of those who have previously attended/have experience sending their kids, if you want a different perspective. If you need parent contacts I will set you up with their permission.

It has been my experience that the kids are well behaved, responsible, and respectful. We have not had to go track anyone down or look for anyone, or send anyone home for poor behavior. This is not surprising to me, because typically cross country attracts quality kids with good work ethic and a good head on their shoulders. These kids look out for each other.

Additionally, safety is a priority for Coach Reynolds and I, and I am protective of “my girls” in any circumstance.

Middleville-TK CC Camp Permission Slip (August 13th-16th, 2024)

I give my permission for my daughter/son __________________________  to attend the TK cross country camp in Pentwater, MI, at Hill & Hollow Campground. I understand that this is a school sponsored activity and all school rules apply while at camp. Coaches Sam Wilkinson or Josh Reynolds have my permission to seek emergency medical treatment should such a situation arise while my child is at CC camp. 

Emergency Contact Name(s) _______________________________________________________________

Cell #(s) _______________________________________________________________________________

List any allergies or medical concerns you want us to be aware of _____________________________________


Please use the space provided to list any other concerns/cautions we should be aware of regarding your child to keep her/him safe and well or note "N/A".


* * Student cell phones should be used on a limited basis for photos, music, and communicating logistics at camp.  Camp is designed as a team building experience and unplugging from home and social media is highly encouraged. 

* *Although we expect everything to remain wonderful, in the event of an extreme unfortunate circumstance at home or in our community, please do not call your child at camp to relay this information immediately. Instead, please contact Coach Wilkinson or Coach Reynolds first so we have a heads up. In extreme cases, plan to drive to Pentwater to pick up your child to take her/him home. This is a situation that is unfair to your child, the other athletes, and to the coaches when we may be unable to adequately respond to such a circumstance.

* * * Although we expect our athletes will represent themselves well, should your student-athlete not conduct her/himself in a manner appropriate with school and athletic rules, parents will be called and will be expected to drive to Pentwater to pick up the athlete. 

**** I have read ALL of the information about camp on "TKHS Camp" page of the team's website.

I understand and agree to all of the above as it is written.

Parent signature _______________________________ Date______________

Athlete signature ______________________________ Date______________

IF you want your athlete to use a stand-up paddle board, please review and sign the next portion.

August 13th-16th 2024 Thornapple Kellogg Schools, Pentwater Cross Country Camp Recreational Watercraft Waiver

I give my son/daughter (                                                   ) permission to use any recreational watercraft on Lake Michigan. I understand there will neither be any certified, nor uncertified lifeguards on duty to supervise and/or rescue my child. I understand by using any recreational watercraft, it is at my child’s own risk. I understand the water depth may be over my child’s head, the water could be rough, and that there are risks associated with using recreational watercrafts on Lake Michigan.

I understand that the cost of using a recreational watercraft is the responsibility of my child and I will be responsible for paying the cost of any damage that may occur to the watercraft(s) being rented.

I do not and will not hold Thornapple Kellogg Schools, the cross country program, Coach Sam Wilkinson or Coach Josh Reynolds liable in the event of any kind of mishap, injury, or death.

I have read and understand the above and give full consent to my child using recreational watercraft signed out under either my child's, Coach Sam Wilkinson’s, Coach Reynold’s or anyone else's name.

Athlete’s Signature: _______________________________________  Date:_________

Parent’s Signature:________________________________________ Date: _________